Arys turned her head sharply. Her heart pulled at her. One of her sisters...? With one kick of her tail she speed off faster than a marlin. It wasn't long before she saw wreckage from a ship. And the barracuda swimming around searching for scraps told her there had been feasting. Something terrible had happened here. There were no humans left. Not even tattered clothing. Only sharks could have done so thorough a job of disposing of the floundering humans. There were never that many sharks this close to the islands. They preferred farther out to sea. [i]"Beware the shark, for it is the familiar of a far more dangerous enemy..."[/i] her [i]Shellan's[/i] words echoed in her mind. A faint dolphin whistle had her on alert again. [i]"Follow the call of the dolphin, for they can be trusted..."[/i] Only one of her pod was highly intuned with dolphins. [color=6ecff6]"Aquawlad," [/color]she murmured before darting off once again, fear churning inside her heart. If one of her sisters was hurt she'd would need to heal her quickly before whatever sharks sensed it. Or the beasts with the sharks. Her [i]Shellan[/i] had told Arys of the savage beasts the night she had made her gravest mistake. [i]They bear the fin like us, but do not be fooled. They are savage, bloodthirsty, brutal beasts. Death and destruction is all they know, all they desire. Their strong arms will tear you to pieces as their sharp teeth rip your flesh and break your bones into splinters. They are to be feared and avoided at all costs. Promise me, my moon child, that you shall never again-"[/i] Arys pushed the memories from her mind. She never wanted to be reminded of her horrid mistake. The one that had caused the pod to have to flee their previous home. The shapes of other dolphins appeared, swimming fast. Arys could sense their unease, and their fear added to her own. A loud panicked squeal reached her and she saw one of the dolphins was struggling to keep up with the others. He was injured, a deep gash along his side. The gash was too clean to have been made by either teeth or claw. It was made by a weapon. The young female dolphin was bleeding too much. Soon she would die. And her blood would call the sharks, and the beasts with them. Approaching the suffering dolphin, Arys placed her hand on the gash only for the animal to squeal in pain and move away. Arys didn't chase her. Instead she held out her arms, as if offering an embrace. She began to sing, a gentle soothing melody. Calming, the dolphin approached her again and brushed against her like a child seeking comfort. Arys placed her hands upon the gash again and while the animal flinched she did not move away. Continuing the melody, her hands and eyes glowed with an ethereal blue light. The gash slowly closed and sealed, not even a scar was left behind.