[center][h1]The Operative[/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/cbed/i/2009/361/d/6/asian_boy_by_rei_i.jpg[/img] [/hider] Unit a51FLwo8641i could feel the tendrils of pain that were seizing his brain, and released his powers. Swimming towards the land, Unit a51FLwo8641i could see the others gathering, and the burning sensation returned. Walking out of the water, he felt his hand clench into a fist much to his confusion. Continuing to approach the group, Unit a51FLwo8641i walked slowly aware that he was fully armed with his sword, escrima sticks, and assortment of knives. As well, he stopped running his psionic powers, removing the "cloak" around him. He removed his helmet, clipping the grey object to his belt and stared at the other members with his eerily glowing blue eyes.