Yuno found herself in a peculiar situation between having decided to believe Felix further with recent evidence presented and desiring to head forward due to this, as well as the desire to simply walk away with the choices he had made with the current leadership of this rag tag group of magic users. Nemo obviously had shown signs of his ‘unique’ personality while it wasn’t hard to that the woman in charge was also one with a short temper and a thirst for a certain drink. As she set her plate aside wherever she may be expected to put it for cleaning later and checked out the location sent she felt a sense of partial dread come over her. Despite her dreams and fantasies of such a quest she didn’t quite read storybooks that resulted in interactions she was seeing before her. However, with the small portion of time she had within her allocated room to gather up her materials she made a choice to attempt to set it aside for the mission. This mission was more important to her than likely her leaders simply due to its proximity to her home after all. Hopefully, it was as they said and wouldn’t catch the eye of the current academy and possibly have greater repercussions for Yuno than intended. Upon walking outside to the rest she didn’t carry tomes like Travis and Jessie had within their belts. No, instead as her sides were two obvious features: A small cloth pouch with a single knot tie at the top that seemed of pristine quality almost dyed a deep purple that stood out from her outfit, and on the other side of her hips lay three hoops in the belt of the pants she wore carrying a piece of chalk, a brush, and a small vial. Unlike her usual garb that was paired with a skirt she instead had slim white jeans on instead combined with a short sleeved blouse and a small open jacket on top obviously to be easier to move with for possible combat than what she had initially worn. The tomes Travis and Jessie did carry though caught her eye and a small desire to see what they may hold inside came within her, but she had a small feeling what they would be used for would be revealed soon. After all, an item as powerful as the Paragon likely won’t be easy to simply take. Yuno continued her process to refrain from commenting as Nemo and Raiya spoke at first until one of them decided to run off alone, faster than most would be able to keep up with in the first place through most spells. The next person available to leave came Jessie, and Yuno had to take the chance with her to make sure the rest of them wouldn’t be left dumbfounded completely. As Jessie moved to climb the wyvern Yuno moved up behind her and quickly gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder while stating. [color=6ecff6]“We'll be right with you then. See you in a bit.”[/color] Not entirely telling Jessie right away what she had truly done by using the contact as a way to leave a rune on the cloth of Jessie’s outfit with magic. Usually she would have preferred to use her chalk or brush, but without the time and wanted use of subtlety she imprinted it with a basic magic spell. She watched Jessie fly off and quickly made a judgment of the girls trees as she disappeared behind the tall trees. Needing of course to wait for the girl to reach the eventual catacombs before putting he rplan into effect. But, her patience wouldn’t be left untested as Nemo began to almost cry before her and the others. It caused her to sigh once before reaching to her belt and pulling out a piece of chalk. Walking past Nemo on the railing and to the center of the porch where she began to write in silence until he got done speaking. [color=6ecff6]“I don’t know you well enough to look up at you in the first place, no offense, so you shouldn’t be so sad on that part. However, it’s not done as of yet. I prefer using this spell by myself since I could easily mark my outfit with a single rune to do it, but to get you all there as well I need a bit more detail and power behind it.”[/color] She commented through the air as she stood back up straight and they would see the finished product of a runic circle. If Nemo remembered the spell on his card he might even notice the similarities to it from Felix’s teleportation spell, though the rune was far more basic with her lack of knowledge in the field by comparison. [color=6ecff6]“Sadly I can’t do it without a marker or else we wouldn’t have to wait for our wyvern riding friend to get there. If you would Nemo… As our leader…contact Jessie and ask her if she has arrived yet? If so, you should all stand in the circle so I can take us to the catacombs.”[/color]