[@Doc Doctor] Even though Sky had no direct knowledge of it, he suspected that his opponent had certain traits, Gonad scaled to meet his [i]foe[/i] if such a person was stronger than him. It was clear that Sky wasn't stronger, when it came to physical capabilities, than Gonad. The only true leg up that he may have had over the Barbarian was that he could manipulate his own spiritual energy in ways similar to that of mages who could wield magic. So if Gonad's unique power held true then he wouldn't scale at all, unless it was to make himself weaker so that he'd be on equal footing with Sky. But even then what he was being assaulted by was much stronger than the one who had created it. And considering that Gonad wouldn't likely effectively scale up, since Gonad was naturally stronger than Sky, this meant that the attack he now faced would pose a considerable threat to overwhelm his natural physical potential. Raw force is, simply, force that isn't diluted by anything else. Meaning that Undiluted force was the same as Raw force, something that Gonad had in spades. It may have been the bread and butter of his entire being, he may have been strength and power incarnate, but this was a trap that raw strength and undiluted force wasn't going to be able to get out of. And since Gonad was effectively sitting in a vacuum devoid of air the more he struggled to try and muscle his way out of the enveloping rubber bouncy house the quicker he'd bring himself to a point that he'd run out of air. Ignorance to ones situation was one thing. But a living body could not continue to live without oxygen. As Gonad flexed his body against the rubbery substance that was the bouncy house it'd flex and move, bending around every fibrous muscle that sought to subdue it. Since Sky was on the outside he had absolute control over his spell. If any part of the bouncy house came close to breaking via being stretched beyond normal capacity he could alter its properties even more to allow it to stretch more and more. He even went as far as to pull material from other parts of the entire surface area of the bouncy castle in order to compensate. Gonads fingers wouldn't be enough to puncture the rubber either. Sky was monitoring the whole thing, watching the struggle ensue as Gonad did his damnedest to try and break the rubbery cage. It was a simple case of Sky matching Gonad's embodiment of strength with an embodiment of ingenuity, even though the fae would never call himself that. He was also going off of what he knew. Gonad had no weapons, he merely brought himself and his strength to the fight, so Sky had crafted this specific trap to try and seal the Barbarians fate. This wasn't something one could brute force through, it was intended that way, if Gonad wanted out before he fully suffocated he was going to have to try some critical and imaginative thinking. It wasn't just an immovable wall Gonad faced, in fact it wasn't immovable or unbeatable to those that were equipped for it, but it was highly flexible to counter Gonads method of dealing with problems. But the rubbery cage forged from the bouncy house hugged everywhere it could. Sky sought to keep the Barbarian entangled until he fell unconscious, at which point he'd release it and walk away.