[color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Junko Grensweisse [color=f7976a]Age: [/color] 19 [color=f7976a]Gender: [/color] Female [color=f7976a]Appearance: [/color]Soon [color=f7976a]Personality: [/color] Bold and brash, but as the child of a rich family, is utterly oblivious to most things. [color=f7976a]Background: [/color] The Grensweisse family was an old family that traced its roots to the first Archmage Coldridia, during the founding of the Urek Kingdom. As such, they were a family that actively practices the art of magic, with most of the family members being a magician of some sort. Being utterly rich due to one of the sole source of magical goods in the Urek Kingdom, all of it's family members were expected to learn magic of some sort or the others. This was expected of Junko as well. However, she did not quite like all the rigmarole of being a magician as well as being taught all this literature, maths, ettiques, and all the other things a noble's daughter was expected to learn. After all, being caged up in some dreary castle was hardly what she wanted to do. So, after evading her maids, she made a masterful escape, by plunging headfirst into a cart of hay, knocking herself out on the hard floorboard, and taken by an oblivious farmer to the nearest city, Pergamon. [color=f7976a]Equipments: [/color] Standard armor pieces, well made but nothing special. A longsword, also well made. She avoids bringing anything that has her family's coat of arm on it. [color=f7976a]Powers/Abilities: [/color]Pyromantic magic. She is hardly skilled in it, having learned only to channel her mana to manifest as flames. There is no incantations or actual spells that she actually knows of save small ones like Ignite.