[center][h3]Super Magical Runway F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@itano123][@i-am-x][@sen][/center] The dungeon was gaudy, full of bright and girlish colours, but also neon lights and spotlights, it was like a psychedelic little girl used the brightest colours in the box and draw something. Still, it was very obvious who was at the end of this... [color=slategray]"Hmmmm... I didn't know she had that kind of side..."[/color], he was of course referring to how bright everything was. She was always so reserved otherwise. The beginning of this dungeon was a run way... Well, or rather, it was the entrance hall, it was almost like they went to a convention center which was holding a fashion show, and this entrance hall served also as an exhibition hall. Mannequins lined the sides, all wearing costumes, some he recognized from various anime and games, others not so much. For now, they seemed to be going fine... [i][color=magenta]"Everything seems clear for now, but I'm sensing shadows further up ahead"[/color],[/i] [color=slategray]"Well, nothing else to do but advance. Let's go"[/color]. [hr] [center][h3]Hall of the Slain F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@haru nyan][@diabolicalrhapsody][@takaru][/center] Kami led the party through into the dungeon. It had a grand feeling about the entrance, tall pillars and not out of place in ancient ruins. Walking into it almost felt like going into a large ruin in an RPG, the large stone doors, stone floor, and sculpted pillars gave this place an ominous feeling, nothing but cold stone with the occasional discarded junk. The statues sculpted into the pillars though had distinct features, as if they were of someone in specific, most guessed it was probably whoever they were going to save, but regardless the party continued. "Ayano, do you sense anything ahead?", he inquired. Ayano's scanners would begin to pick up signals from the room they were actually in already, but something would seem off... Still, it didn't seem those signals were moving in or showing hostility. Would it be safe to move ahead...? [hr] [center][h3]Moritomi Home for the Disturbed F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@oblivion666][@floodtalon][/center] Another hospital... Not that Ryan and Seighardt would know. Somewhere, Akane and Matthew were glad they didn't have to go to the hospital dungeon. Still, Tadao seemed to be leading them quite carefully. As soon as they entered the dilapidated hospital, they were already carefully inching every corner of every room. This hospital though didn't seem functional at all, graffiti everywhere, family pictures at each bedside, but upon closer inspection they were all the same... Every family member was scratched or blurred out, except for the youngest child. This was a unnerving detail, especial since this place was so quiet. They'd already scoured a few rooms, but haven't encountered a single thing, it was unsettling, plus combined with the hospital atmosphere... It was almost as if they walked right into a haunted house of some kind...