Aulfr took the several steps over to his assassin, gently laying both hands on her shoulders. She had a valid point; he might not do as well as he expected. He didn't even expect the challenge to be the most difficult thing about all this- but the Oberjarl knew he was making his move soon. Of course he'd be as ready as he possibly could- and an Oberjarl would try very hard indeed to keep his position. "A valid point, my friend. I might've underestimated my father had it not been for this. I will not lose, though. Either I win and everything goes to plan, or I lose and it's all over. You'd be released from your contract, to do whatever you wish. I... I don't know how to guarantee my safety, and the success of the plan. I will not eat or drink anything in the feast- something might be poisoned. And I will fight him as soon as possible. But you will not intervene. If I kill the Oberjarl with help, I would not be Oberjarl. I would be, in name, but not in respect." He shook his head, and sighed heavily. So this is what it felt like to have a loved one worrying over you, and oneself worrying over their worry. It was all very confusing, wasn't it? He almost wished he had never met her. Almost. "Stay strong, Aleksandra. We'll be fine, you'll see." He removed his hands from her shoulder, and replied to her last question. "If the battle shifts to the Oberjarl's, then wait and see. If I die, am ended, then you're free to go. You are one of my closest allies, and a direct threat- if I am no longer in any sort of power, then you will be one of the first he wants to end."