@Whimsley No worries! I was thinking Dewmeadow, and I'll put a revised thing here! [hider=Mara] Player Name: Mara Scelus Appearance: 16 years old, 5’4" [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/beautiful%20pigeon%20level%20_zpsqojxgk8v.jpg[/img] Sex: Female Personality: She’s very much a curious person, which can sometimes get her into trouble. She’s very much neutral when it comes to good and evil, seeing things as simply existing, and not making judgments as to whether or not a given person or thing is good or bad. Always a skeptic, she never stops questioning people and ideas. Consequently, it can be rather hard for her to trust someone and make a true friend. While she does have a loner personality, she hates being alone. Her self confidence can be a bit low, and having someone else there to ensure she doesn’t mess things up too badly can be rather welcome. Her confidence and independence, thus a bit ironically, come from the assurance of other people. In terms of conflict, Mara hates getting into screaming matches. She’d prefer to simply let things simmer until they finally ruin a relationship than to actually get into a big fight. If she does have a problem with someone, she’s also much more likely to say it bluntly than to sugarcoat it. As long as nothing gets too emotional, she’s fine — anything beyond that stresses her out and pushes her towards a meltdown, as she simply doesn’t know how to cope. Biography: Mara’s mother was a fairly decent Pokemon trainer back in the day, but she hardly ever talked about it. Her parents wanted Mara to settle down into something suitable, something that didn’t require having to roam the region and run into strangers constantly. Because of this, they hired tutors and tried to turn their daughter into a genius. And while Mara was rather intelligent, she devoured the knowledge and then moved on, never seeming to truly care about one subject or another. By the time Mara turned fifteen, it was fairly evident to her parents that Mara would want to become a trainer — and so, they started to plan that they’d allow her to go when she was sixteen. Her best friends growing up, Rob and Christine, had already left on their Pokemon journeys. The two of them went together, while a teary eyed Mara watched them leave. They promised to unite eventually, but Mara hasn’t heard from them since they left a few years prior. Sometimes, when she hears whispers about what happens when the power goes out, she becomes worried she’ll never see Rob or Christine again. Favorite Type: Psychic Favorite Pokemon: Gothitelle Why are you joining the Pokemon league?: Mara is restless and desperate to learn more about the world in general. By setting out on a journey, she can discover more than she can possibly learn from her tutors. She also hopes that she’ll be able to gain some independence and resiliency, and maybe, meet up with Rob and Christine once more. While she would love to collect badges and battle, she more simply wants to learn and understand everything out there, and joining the league is a way to accomplish that. [/hider][hider=Espurr] Pokemon Name: Espurr Physical Appearance: A fairly average espurr, he stands at about a foot tall and weighs roughly 3.2 kg. Sometimes Mara imagines that he’s a slightly deeper shade of purple, but hardly anyone else agrees. He’s basically normal. Sex: Male Personality/Mood: He’s very defensive and aggressive, and loyal to a fault. He’d attack anything that he felt might threaten his trainer — including leaves. Given that he’s a rather cute espurr, people don’t tend to find him very threatening when he does that. Likes: Playing tug of war — sitting on Mara’s head — splashing in puddles Dislikes: Sudden noises and appearances — larger pokemon — strangers — sweets Starting Moves: Covet, Leer, Scratch Misc. : N/A[/hider] [hider=Questions] Questions 1. Pause, and investigate into whatever is going on. Quickly determine whether or not the rattata needs immediate attention. If not, investigate into what’s making that rustling noise — it could be something interesting! 2. Well, can’t have been the first person to run into this problem. The locals probably know some sort of trick to handle the situation — and if not, there could be tons of interesting things to see on that river path…. Could also experiment to wake it up as well, but the explorative benefits make the former option more appealing. 3. Take back enough of the food that I can survive, and let it take the rest. No harm has been done, so it really doesn’t matter anyways. 4. Panic for a brief moment, and then using my pokemon, create some sort of diversion in order to get away. There’s no need to fight and escaping is much easier to accomplish. Could always use the exercise from running as well. 5. Stare at them, eyes a bit wide, and offer some half-felt words of encouragement, the type found on motivational posters. Assure them they did rather well, and escape the situation as soon as possible. It seems awkward. [/hider]