Too tired, will work on the rest after I nap for a good 6..7...15 hours. [hider= Snook WIP] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Snook [u][b]Age[/b][/u] Twenty-one [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u] The Bombers [u][b]Years with the gang[/b][/u] Five [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] That short sexy man over there is whom we like to refer to as Snook. A flamboyantly dressed, olive-skinned, pretty boy, whose lean muscular build and silky smooth voice have made him quite a popular amongst the young dames in and around the city. He is a meager 5’5, but swaggers about with the confidence of 7-foot tall professional athlete. He’s certainly a man of exquisite taste and style as his wardrobe would tell you. His signature look is a dashing blue velvet turtleneck sweater with dark grey chino pants rolled up just above the ankles. He isn't a fan of socks, so therefore never wears them. He just slips on a pair of blue lace-less boat shoes to match his sweater and he's out the door. He's not really much of a jewelry man either, but he does wear one gold medallion ring on his left middle finger – Its an old piece of jewelry he never takes off, probably as it carries some sentimental meaning to him. On close inspection you can see the ring does bear a few scratches here and there, but still shines as bright as any old polished garbage you might find at the local jewelers. Like most other gangbangers, Snook is a man not without ink. He has two tattoos. The first on his right forearm, of the letters ‘R’ and ‘k’ separated only by a period (R.k) and written fancily in bold black ink. These initials stand for non-other than “Razor Killer.” It is not a philosophy he follows blindly but rather a show of his commitment to the path he has chosen. His other tattoo is written down the side of his left rib cage and is of the phrase “family never dies.” It is narrow and faded, but not so much that you are unable to make out the words. Both are rarely seen however, most of the time hidden under the fine fabric that is his sweater. Snook’s mask is of the pristine white swan, the perfect symbol of maturity, beauty and elegance. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] During pre-mask days, Snook was known not only for his extremely good looks but also his cool laidback attitude to life. He rarely ever broke character, be it in the face of danger or pommelling whatever filthy razor rat had the misfortune of crossing his path that day. He handled everything in a smooth, mild-tempered manner, which is why he was a hit with the ladies and a bit of a consultant to the other gang-members who were more, let’s say, quick to anger. His extreme calm and nonchalantness however could sometimes come across terrifying, especially to his enemies who more often interpreted this as a sign of confidence and combat experience and were quick to back down. To the opposite sex however, he appears as Romeo, or better yet Casanova, sweetly charismatic, alluring yet dangerous – a guilty pleasure to say the least. Knowing he’s banged half the women in the city doesn’t exactly seem to stop them chasing after him, if nothing it only adds to his appeal – that and they’ve heard he’s an incredible lover. Everything about him oozes charm, but don’t be fooled, he is not without flaws and does have an incredibly dark side. His persona isn’t a front per se, but he’s always been a bit insecure about his height, an issue he has struggled with all his life. Words such as “midget” and “dwarf” and “little shit” don’t fly too well around him. Its best to be cautious, push him too close to the edge and he could snap. [u][b]Strengths[/b][/u] Well-Connected: Being the like-able person that he is, snook has managed to win the trust of many powerful and otherwise dangerous characters in the city over the years. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u] I'm not a stickler about this. You don't really need much here, but you certainly get points for not submitting Mary Sues. [u][b]Likes[/b][/u] - Constant use of the word “snookums”, which, as it happens, is where he got the nickname "Snook" from. He often uses the term to express disappointment, frustration or anger such as “Ah, snookums! I shoulda buss that guy right in the mouth.” Or as a term of endearment when trying to sweet talk his way into a girl’s pants “Hey snookums, tryna give up that kitty tonight?” For most guys this is a call that would warrant a kick in the balls, but not for this handsome son-of-a-gun; he seems to be the exception. - A steel bat he calls 'Shirley' - His blindingly fast purple and black [url=]KAWASAKI GPZ900R[/url]. - Part of his charm comes from being so well read in classic literature. He’s most familiar with the works of Orwell, Shakespeare, and Homer, insofar as to be able to recite numerous quotes from each of them. [u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] Leave this section blank until your character has some friendships/enemies. If your character has preexisting relations with another character other than their being in the same gang, list the details here. [u][b]Theme[/b][/u] Sade - [url=]Smooth Operator[/url] [/hider]