[img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/f/f8/Marc_Spector_(Earth-616)_from_Moon_Knight_Vol_5_2_001_(cut).jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20140402221835[/img] [b]Player Name:[/b] Nightraider [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b]Moon knight [b]Alias:[/b] Marc Spector [b]Moral Alignment:[/b]Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] None [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [hider=Origin] Marc Spector is the son of a rabbi from Chicago. Marc rejected his father’s religion from a young age, becoming an atheist instead. Marc had an impressive career as a heavy boxer as an adult, going on to become a Marine and then a “consultant” to S.H.I.E.L.D. for a time. There he met William Cross, becoming partners for a time, before he was betrayed by Cross to a terrorist, Raoul Bushman and leaving him for dead. S.H.I.E.L.D. felt that Spector was now compromised and released them from their services. Disillusioned with the concepts of morality and justice after this encounter, Marc became a mercenary, creating a tenuous partnership with Jean-Paul Du Champ or “Frenchie”. After taking a job from an anonymous source to disarm a dig site in Selima, Sudan; Spector found out that the job was ordered by Raoul Bushman. Marc’s resurgence of conscious made him reject the assignment and went to the dig site to warn one Dr. Peter Alraune. However, he found he was too late and the bloodthirsty fanatic had murdered Dr. Alraune. Once Bushman had threatened to kill the rest of the dig crew and eventually the town, Marc attacked Bushman and fought him in 1-to-1 hand-to-hand. Despite his Marine and fighting background, Bushman destroyed him, leaving him for dead. Marc dragged himself into the nearest shelter and collapsed in front of a nearby statue- a statue of the moon god Khonshu. There, Marc had a strange vision of a crescent moon turning to blood red as a voice from a strange robed being boomed of Marc’s “destiny”. Marc awoke hours later, mysteriously healed under the statue of Khonshu…the statue looking identical to the being in his vision. He left the tomb, finding Dr. Arlaune’s daughter Marlene trying to trying to reclaim the broken pieces of her father’s work and life and that Bushman and his men had taken over the nearby town of Selima. Donning a cloak he had found upon the statue Khonshu, he, with a little help of Frenchie, decimated Bushman’s men, and faced Bushman once again. Only after being accidently distracted by Marlene was Bushman able to escape. Marc returned to the States with Marlene and Frenchie, taking the money he had earned from his years of merc work and establish a new entrepreneur company named Spector Innovations Inc., funding many young and genius inventors and developers, trying to make good on his past mistakes as a mercenary. Marc also took the statue back with him, keeping it with him in his new apartment. Over several weeks, he began hearing the voice from the temple again, continual reminding him of his “destiny” and for weeks, Marc ignored the voice, believing it to be a result of some form of PTSD from his encounter with Bushman. He kept this private for as long as possible. However, after seeing all of the events of the masked vigilantes, the voice began making some interesting propositions to Spector… [/hider] [b]Season 1 Summary:[/b] Marc was in Sudan pre-Season 1 and then, during the events of Season 1, he returned to New York and established Spector Innovations using the funds of his mercenary career, developing new technologies and partnerships with larger companies like A.I.M. and Stark Technologies. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] [hider= Powers and Abilities:]While he has not fully embraced the title of “Moon Knight” yet, the plan is a mix of supernatural gifts and technological marvels “borrowed” from his company’s patents and projects. Supernatural gifts: The god Khonshu has decided to gift Marc with enhanced strength, endurance, and reflexes are enhanced depending upon the phases of the moon. The fuller the moon, the more power Marc can derive from it. Even on a new moon, his strength is higher than that of a normal human. Tech: Once he realises that he’ll need more than strength to be in this vigilante game, Marc is going to dip into his company’s special projects and see what he can tailor to his new path in life. Special line cable mini-launchers, new omni-directional drones and concealable wrist launchers are all under the special projects of Spector Innovations Inc. [/hider] [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] A Spectacular Start: Spector slowly becomes the Moon Knight, and encounters his first real foe in the Committee. Two in the Hand: Spector hasn’t forgotten about Bushman and is on the hunt for his new nemesis. The Guardian’s S.H.I.E.L.D.: Spector is contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D. through his company with an interesting offer and some startling information. The Knights of the Roundtable: As Spector gains infamy, copycat villains and walking the line fellows begin emulating him, in the form of Black Spectre and Shadow Knight. [b]Sample Post:[/b] Marc stood close to the window, staring down at the bright lights below, only the sheet of glass separating him from the thin air and the dizzying drop. He twirled the glass in his hand, covering the ice in the thick, golden syrup liquid before taking a soft swig, letting it burn his throat. He’d just spent the last 5 hours debating, negotiating and playfully antagonising the Director of Operations at Cybertek Industries on acquiring the shared rights on a new patent for an exo-skeleton suit. He smirked to himself, thinking about how he’d run rings around that snobby ass suit. The battlefield may have changed, but the tactics were still the same… [color=ed1c24]”Speaking of the battlefield…”[/color] A cold sensation washed over the back of Marc’s neck as the Voice spoke from behind him. At least, he thought It was behind him. It always sounded like it was coming from there. He turned slowly, his fingers tightening around the glass. [color=fff200]”We discussed this already. The fight is over. We’re not going back.”[/color] The Voice chuckled in the darkness. A soft, condescending chuckle. [color=ed1c24]”You make it sound like you have a choice, Marc Spector. I’ve already told you, it’s your…”[/color] [color=fff200]”…Destiny, right. I keep forgetting. Or I would if You didn’t remind me every day.”[/color] Again, the chuckle came from the darkness towards the back of the penthouse apartment. [color=ed1c24]”You still believe Me to be a figment of your mortal imagination. I may be in your head, Marc Spector, but I am most definitely My own free agency. But you already know that, don’t you?”[/color] Marc shifted uncomfortably, draining the last of the whiskey in the glass, letting it burn again, burn his senses away. [color=ed1c24]”That is why you do not go to your modern medicine men. That is why your free time reading those parchments and watching those pictures about those powerful beings, those other gods. It is because you know, Marc Spector, deep down, you know. You’ve felt it.”[/color] [color=fff200]”SHUT UP!”[/color] Marc launched the empty glass into the darkness, hearing the smash of the crystal against the back wall as he stared into the darkness, his eyes adjusting and fixing themselves on Him. The statue he had brought back from Sudan. The statue from the tomb. The statue of Khonshu. Marc trembled, not because he was scared of the Voice, but because he was scared the voice was right. He had felt it. Ever since he’d returned, he’d found himself sleeping less and less, 3-4 hours a night, sometimes less. But he was never tired, never weary. He began attending a nearby 24-hour gym to try burn off the extra energy, running, weights, boxing again, whatever he could. It was there he found something else was happening to him. He could sprint for miles and miles at a time and never lose a breath or break a sweat. He was lifting twice what he could before Sudan. He was quicker in reaction too, with his sparing partners barely being able to hit him. One night, he felt stronger, faster and more animated than he’d felt before. He pulled a full sprint 30 mile without breaking a sweat and he benched over 600lbs to the astonishment of the other gym members. The strength and power was almost intoxicating to Marc. Over the next few days and weeks, the strength began to wane again however. He was still far more athletic than he had been but he was losing it. Then one night, the Voice spoke to him as he was leaving for the his nightly sessions, saying only [color=ed1c24]”Look to the moon, Marc Spector…”[/color]. Marc looked into the inky black sky that night and found the moon, a silver curved line in the sky. He pulled out his phone and queried the cycle dates for the last week. He found that the night he’d pull those amazing feats of strength was also the night of the full moon. He rushed back to his apartment and demanded answers from the statue of Khonshu which, for the first time, was silent. That was last week and the statue had offered little in the way of answers, instead constantly referring to Marc’s ‘destiny’. The Voice did not chuckle again as it spoke, the gravity in its tone catching Marc’s full attention. [color=ed1c24]”You have idled long enough, Marc Spector. You have been granted these gifts and a second chance by My hand and yet you still refuse it. There are those who make a difference in this mortal realm. You know this, you have watched them. I have given you the power to follow in their footsteps. Now, Marc Spector, I ask you: will you accept? Will you become My avatar? My knight?”[/color] Marc stepped over to the nearby desk, grimly silent. He sat in the lush chair, grasping over to take the bottle of whiskey and pulling it close. He reached down to the bottom drawer, the drawer he never opened, that he never wanted to open. He slid it open as he could almost feel the eyes of the statue on him, the Voice awaiting his answer. Well, he’d give It a damn good answer… Marc pulled out a file, a black, brown file envelope and pulled it open, the contents spilling slightly over the desktop. These were the Special Projects from Spector Innovations, everything Spector had kept off the main data banks of the Innovations HQ. He didn’t really know why, he just had. He thumbed through the design manifestos and concept drawings before sighing, pulling a swig from the bottle. [color=fff200]”Alright, what do I have to do?”[/color] Somewhere in the darkness, the Voice smiled.