Lenny jumped up and nodded, startled by her words. As he did it would be revealed that if she didn't already know by now that he was incredibly short. With a nervous smile he rubbed his nape and looked around, hoping she was not looking for a fight herself. Lenny was sore from that beating, and though in hindsight he wished that he had decided to strike back yet he knew he couldn't. He just didn't feel right doing that without some sort of stake up for him, be it a new position on the leader board or a chance to not go to the hospital. "Thank you for that, I thought I was going to be put in detention on my first day, coach would have killed me" he let out very quickly, trying his best to keep the accent he let out from escaping his mouth. Suddenly he put out a hand. "My name is Lenard Charnock, but please, call me lenny"