Sila chuckled at his attempt to be friendly. [color=#ADD8E6]"Thanks. A first?"[/color] she questioned, looking at him. [color=#ADD8E6]"For what?"[/color] Well, she didn't really mind. Sila took another bite of her food and sat down. [color=#ADD8E6]"Delinquency..?"[/color] she said aloud upon hearing his words. The only delinquents that she personally knew was her brother. [color=#ADD8E6]"Clearing your name? Ah, you mean so that you don't get involved in random fights?"[/color] Sila turned her neck to the side, popping it. [color=#ADD8E6]"I tend to just get used to it."[/color] she says, somewhat shrugging. [color=#ADD8E6]"Oops, were you talking to yourself? If so, my bad."[/color] she smiles and takes another bite of her food. She had a tendency to get involved with things that she wasn't a part of but she thought she was doing a pretty good job at keeping to herself. Sort of. [@Slendy]