[center][h1][color=00aeef]Celestial Bonds[/color] [color=0054a6]The Fateful Few[/color][/h1] [url=https://us21.chatzy.com/55110532562829]Chatzy[/url] [color=fff200][h3]Introduction[/h3][/color] The Country of Grenheim has been under the threat of war for the past several years, and has been increasing the size of its army ever since. As of now, 40% of Grenheim's men have undergone military training. This isn't enough. Two years ago, Grenheim's greatest magi made a revolutionary discovery: a powerful ritual that allowed them to take two people who share a powerful, nearly unbreakable emotional bond, and grant them great power, and an even greater connection. Grenheim's king ordered this ritual be immediately put into use, and that anyone elligable for the ritual be found and put through it. A small training acadamy was built to house and train those with Celestial Bonds, though due its hasty construction, it was nothing more than a bunch of shacks and an open field for combat training. Well, that was how things were one year ago, anyway. You are part of the second batch of future soldiers to be put through the ritual. A small batch of 18 people, 9 bonds, makes up your entire "class", and each and every one of you have been blessed by the gods. You are the holders of Celestial Gears and Celestial Potential, the legendary group that shall save, or doom Grenheim. Of course, no self respecting King would allow holy warriors to live in the miserable conditions you were headed for. And so, the King had a nearby noble allow you to stay within his mansion, as well as use his grounds to train. [color=fff200][h3]Lore[/h3][/color] Currently unfinished. More will be added soon. [hider=The Olden Lords] [hider=simple] [b]Aurdin[/b]- God of gods, lord of fate, machinations, and the sun [b]Vyra[/b]-Goddess of the love and beauty [b]Heirmyd[/b]- God of knowledge [b]Gelsa[/b]- Goddess of nature, instict, and beasts [b]Vjoln[/b]- God of storms and weather [b]Morrowyr[/b]- Goddess of death, mourning, and the afterlife [b]Gardwyn[/b]- Goddes of law, order, and justice [b]Starmgein[/b]- Goddes of the seas, guide of vessels [b]Harbingald[/b]- God of war, bloodlust, and flame [/hider] [hider=In-Depth] [hider=Aurdin] Of all of the Olden Lords, Aurdin was the most powerful. He controlled the very way things were. A single god that moved time and fate within his hands. There was no god more fit to be the god of gods. Aurdin was believed to be a kind god, who experienced fits of rage, causing death and misfortune at random without truly wanting to. While powerful, Aurdin was known for having too much power for his own good. [/hider] [hider=Vyra] Vyra was the goddess of love, long ago. People prayed to her constantly, wanting their love to flourish, or their children to live past the age of 5. Vyra was a kind and compassionate god, fulfilling many of these requests, though, she could not fulfill every request, and eventually relegated the answer of prayers to a few days a year. The most notable day became a Holiday, the Vyran festival of Hollindrad, which is still celebrated to this day, but it in the name of Hadrya. [/hider] [hider=Heirmyd] The all knowing, the grand, the great thinker. Heirmyd blessed inventors, mages, mathematicians, philosophers, and other thinkers with grand ideas. Many prayed to Heirmyd during times of confusion and helplessness, as well as Aurdin, hoping that their prayers would be answered. Heirmyd was a much more stingy god, imparting his knowledge only to those he deemed worthy, or needy enough. Those in desperate need of an answer got their answer, and those who searched for answers all their lives would eventually find it within Heirmyd. [/hider] [hider=Gelsa] The legend goes that Gelsa sculpted beasts and plants from the earth's muck, and attempted to make a creature in the image of the gods for millenia, before eventually asking Aurdin for help. Together, they crafted humanity, which were under both Gelsa and Aurdin's control. Gelsa gave humanity their instict, while Aurdin gave humanity their will and emotions, making them chaotic and imperfect, but far more interesting. Gelsa was prayed to by hunters who hoped she would bring them a magnificest array of beasts to prey upon. [/hider] [hider=Vjoln] An angry god, Vjoln always hated Gelsa's creations. He found them ugly, as they trampled and layed waste to the Earth that Vjoln so eagerly maintained. Vjoln would bring storms and disasters to humans often, but Gelsa would eventually fight Vjoln over this, leaving Vjoln to lash out at mortals only on the rare occassion, when Gelsa wasn't looking. Eventually, after Starmgein's death, Vjoln would form a child with Gelsa. [/hider] [hider=Morrowyn] Known for being Aurdin's spouse, Morrowyr brought the victims of Aurdin's outbursts to their final resting places. She would mourn for those lost souls, and many would pray to her so that those souls would be brought before Gardwyn in a favorable manner. It was Morrowyr's job to take souls from the mortal realm to the celestial realm so that Gardwyn could judge them. Morrowyr famously fought with Gardwyn over Aurdin, and won, and due to Gardwyn's jealosy, was relegated to such a pitiful position as carrier of the dead. Gardwyn would cast out the souls that Morrowyr favored, and so Morrowyr created an underworld to house those spirits that Gardwyn would not let pass into the celestial realm. [/hider] [hider=Gardwyn] The goddess who sat at the gates between the mortal and celestial realm. Morrowyr brought her the souls of the dead, and Gardwyn judged them. The unwanted souls are cast down into Morrowyr's underworld, while those few worthy souls are taken into the celestial realm. While Gardwyn judged souls after death, she also judged them in life. She would whisper about the actions of unworthy humans to Aurdin, hoping he would rain judgement down upon them. [/hider] [hider=Starmgein] The seas were unruly under Vjoln's control, so Starmgein, who was wed to the unruly storm god, took the reigns and guided ships to safety. Of course, even she had a quick temper, believing some mortals to be ungrateful and greedy, often having these ideas planted in her head by Gardwyn and Vjoln. Many great storms were accompanied by roiling seas, churned by Starmgein's discontent. [/hider] [hider=Harbingald] Only one god disliked mortals more than Vjoln, and that was Harbingald. Well, at least, Harbingald hated the peace that many mortals enjoyed. He found it boring and uninteresting. So, he brought upon them fire, and with that, rage, anger, bloodlust, and dispute. Many prayed to Harbingald for victory, but he just wanted bloodshed. This god had no concern for human life, though he did award his favorite warriors with victory, and the occassional free pass from Morrowyr's embrace. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=The New Lords] [hider=Simple] [b]Aurmyr[/b]-The usurper god, master of truths, bringer of days [b]Mordyn[/b]-The god of endings, master of fate, bringer of night [b]Garnmyr[/b]-The goddess of the seas, master of tides, bringer of change [b]Falk[/b]-The god of nature, master of weather, bringer of storms [b]Oremnyr[/b]-The God of the unknown, Master of ideas, bringer of the future [b]Haldvyr[/b]-The god of judgement, master of order, bringer of justice [b]Hadrya[/b]-The Goddess of love,Master of creativity, bringer of emotions [b]Lemnys[/b]-The Goddess of machinations, master of trickery, bringer of emotions [b]Myrengald[/b]-The God of the forge, master of mortals, bringer of war [/hider] [hider=In-Depth] [hider=Aurmyr] Child of Aurdin and Gardwyn. Aurmyr's very existence was held a secret by Gardwyn. When Aurdin came to know that Gardwyn had kept the child, he became furious, his rage spread death amongst the mortals, a grand plague that devasted humanity. Morrowyr eventually learned of the child, and became furious with Aurdin. She was sick of Aurdin, who only brought death to mortals, and so easily resorted to promiscuity. Gardwyn kept the child, and Morrowyr convinced the young god to plot against his father. Though, eventually Morrowyn would bear Aurdin's second child, Mordyn, giving up on her plans to slay her husband. Aurmyr was not so easy to end his plans, though. He was offered power, and his half brother and Morrowyr would not stop this. Aurmyr had much of Aurdin's power, and had more control over it. He slew the olden lord, and took his place on the throne of the gods. Aurmyr is seen as a powerful and just god by the people of Grenheim. He slayed his father, who only brougth death to mortals, though he could not bring an end to his half brother. [/hider] [hider=Mordyn] Child of Aurdin and Morrowyr. Mordyn's birth brought peace to Morrowyr's mind, she gave up her hatred for Aurdin and focused on her child. Mordyn observed the squables of the olden lords, watching as humans fell due to their anger and spite. Mordyn took pity on those souls, and attempted to make his mother's underworld a better place for those souls who ended up there. Mordyn also watched his half brother's actions, and was present when Aurmyr slew their father. Aurmyr rose to power, and Mordyn stayed on the sidelines. Though, it became Mordyn's job to deliver death to mortals, to end the day, and to bring upon darkness. Aurmyr hated him for this, as death was the last thing Aurmyr wanted for the mortals. Mordyn believed that mortals could improve themselves after death, and live better. In life they faced hardships, but in death they were all the same. In a famous tale, Aurmyr confronted Mordyn in battle, but dropped his weapon, declaring his respect for his brother, despite his urge to end him. Morrowyr eventually ended herself, and Mordyn, struck by grief, took his mother's position in addition to his own. [/hider] [Hider=Garnmyr] Child of Vjoln and Starmgein. With the birth of Garnmyr came a great change. They say the birth of Garnmyr heralded the death of Aurdin, and the eventual end of the Olden Lords. Vjoln's anger became ceaseless after the rise of Aurmyr, which eventually led to him killing Starmgein in a blind fit of rage. Eventually, Vjoln and Gelsa bore Falk, and Garnmyr decided it was time for change. Garnmyr, over many years, convinced Falk to join him in slaying Vjoln, but Falk agreed only if they would slay Gelsa as well. Garmyr agreed, and they committed their atrocity, rising to the pantheon along with Mordyn and Aurmyr. Garnmyr took over as ruler of the seas, and commanded the bringing of change. Many pray to Garnmyr for good fortune. [/hider] [hider=Falk] Child of Vjoln and Gelsa. Falk was told by Garnmyr, for many years, of Vjoln's horrible anger, and how he destroyed Gelsa's creations. Falk was angered by this, and agreed to kill his father, but only if they ended Gelsa for how she refused to punish the vile god. Falk took over the domains of both Gelsa and Vjoln, becoming the one god who controlled all of the natural order, from the creatures to the environment. Many pray to Falk for bountiful harvests, successful hunts, and good weather. [/hider] [hider=Oremnyr] Child of Gardwyn and Heirmyd. Gardwyn was wracked with greif after the deaths of Aurdin and Morrowyr. Heirmyd brought comfort to her, and together they raised two children, Oremnyr and Haldvyr. Oremnyr was one of the few new lords that did not want to slay his predecessors. Oremnyr worked with Garmnyr to move everything forward, though he did not approve of Garmnyr's actions against Vjoln and Gelsa. Oremnyr attempted, in vain, to stop Haldvyr from being convinced by Aurmyr to kill their parents. [/hider] [hider=Haldvyr] Child of Gardwyn and Heirmyd, brother of Oremnyr. Aurmyr had always seen his mother as weak and jealous, and wanted her gone. Haldvyr completely agreed with Aurmyr, and essentially became Aurmyr's right hand. Under Aurmyr's leadership and Haldvyr's judgement, the rest of the olden lords fell. Haldvyr took on his mother's role, but added a third result to the judgement of souls brought to him. Some would go to the underworld (Referred to as Morroheim after this point), grand heroes would enter the celestial realm, and unworthy souls would be banished, their souls erased. [/hider] [hider=Hadrya] Child of Vyra and Aurdin. Aurdin was quite the promiscuous god, and could obviously not resist Vyra, the goddess of love. The goddess gave birth to a pair of twins, Hadrya and Lemnys, who seemed to embody the nature of emotions, and have control over aspects of mortal nature. Hadrya ruled over love, beauty, creativity, artistic expression, and those positive emotions held by mortals. Hadrya defended her mother when Haldvyr deemed her unworthy, but due to Lemnys' meddling, Vyra's fate was sealed, and she was slain. [/hider] [hider=Lemnys] Child of Vyra and Aurdin, twin of Hadrya. While Hadrya embodies those things enviable of human nature, Lemnys embodies just about every twisted, dark, corruptible piece of human nature. Lemnys is very much a trickster god, constantly meddling within the actions of others, and committing herself to gaining the disdain of others. Aurmyr completely hates Lemnys, but Hadrya won't let him touch her. [/hider] [hider=Myrengald] Child of Harbingald and Gelsa. Gelsa seemed to bond with those who destroyed her creations the most. The child between the war god and the beast-maker was destined to be a god of the forge. With Myrengald's birth came a surge in humanity's weapon technology, taking them from sharpened sticks and stone hammers, to grand metal weapons and armor. With the death of his parents, Myrengald became the war god, and kept an eye on the mortals, wanting his mother's creations to flourish, even if they were fighting against each other. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [color=fff200][h3]In Depth Information[/h3][/color] [hider= In Depth Information] [hider=Emotional bonds (friendship, siblings, lovers, Enemies, ETC.)] emotional bonds simply have to make sense, and be the kind of bond that wouldn't falter or fade under most/any circumstance. That kind of unbreakable emotional connection is what allows the Celestial Bond to form in the first place. If you do really want to have your bond weaken over the course of the RP, PM me about it, and we'll talk about it, though this may be pretty difficult to do..[/hider] [hider=Magical ritual] Two people that share some sort of an emotional bond go through what is essentially a godly rite which awakens the bond within them, morphing their bond into the form of magical power for one, and a magical weapon for the other. The bonds that go through this ritual must be virtually unbreakable. Bonds that have undergone the ritual are called "Celestial Bonds"[/hider] [hider=Knight] Those gifted with a Gear by the Celestial Bond are deemed "Knights." They tend to have no affinity for magic.[/hider] [hider=Mage] Those gifted with Potential by the Celestial Bond are deemed "Mages." They tend to have a greater affinity for magic.[/hider] [hider=Gear] Said to be artifacts that make up the bonds between the mortal and celestial realms. "Knights" are the half of the celestial bond that gain control of one of these gears. These Gears have magical properties, a sort of special skill or technique that the wielder can use. These abilities are generally quite varied and abstract, though generally mesh and synergize with the Knight's corresponding Mage. The Gear can be summoned and dissipated at will.[/hider] [hider=Celestial Gear] Within the ancient legends were tales predicting great heroes who, through their bonds, would gain great power in the form 9 artifacts that are said to be derived from the spirits of old gods. Those who hold these great weapons will gain the marking of the olden lords somewhere upon their body.[/hider] [hider=Grand Potential] While not physical in any form, the grand potential is the magicial capability imparted to "Mages" of Celestial Bonds. Most mages of our world take decades to master their craft, but the grand potential gives you control in mere seconds, and the ability to master it in mere years. While not as immediately striking as the Knight's Gear, the Grand Potential has much more... well, potential, imbuing the Mage with a focus, or a particular type of magic that their skills build around. Much like the Gear's abilities, the Grand Potential's focus is rather abstract and quite varied, though it generally synergizes with the Mage's corresponding Knight.[/hider] [hider=Celestial Potential] [i] "And so the gods decreed that the olden lords will live on in the sword, whilst the new lords shall aknowledge the stave." - Decrees of Halingard. [/i] The Celestial Potential is to Grand Potential as the Celestial Gear is to the Gear. Though, this power is not a remnants of the old gods, but is a mark of those who usurped them. The 9 Celestial Potentials have never been described within the God's decrees, and are thought to be much more abstract and limitless than the Grand Potential. The Celestial Potential seems to retain the Focus, but gives the mage a greater range of abilities (spells) that they can control and use from the start. Those who gain the celestial Potential are marked by the Sign of the New lords.[/hider] [Hider=The Legends of The Fateful Few] The magi who designed the Celestial Bonding ritual based it on a number of old teachings, ancient texts, godly decrees, and grand prophecies that speak of 18 heroes that function as 9, referred to in almost every text as "The Fateful Few", a relatively simple name for the fate that they hold. The Fateful Few are destined to either bring glory to Grenheim, or completely destroy it. The Fateful Few aren't seen as grand mythical heroes, since most of the legends mentioning them are difficult to find, and rather unknown, so only those who are involved in the Celestial Bond project, as well as those close to the King and his court of magi even know of The Fateful Few.[/hider] [/hider] [color=fff200][h3]Everything Explained[/h3][/color] This is a pair RP, meaning that your character will be immediately linked and tied to another character, which will be chosen by you! In any given pair (Celestial Bond) one character will become a Mage, while the other becomes a Knight. The mage gets a conceptual focus, and a versatile and flexible range of spells, while the Knight gets a powerful weapon (called a Gear) with some sort of ability. We have also included the ability for a sort of "ultimate last resort attack" on the Celestial Gear, though this may be subject to change if we find it unpopular. The Mage and Knight fight best as a pair, using their skills in tandem to combat any foe. The abilities of any given Celestial Bond should at least slightly thematically call back to the pair's emotional bond (Take whatever creative liberties you want with this. I encourage creativity and enginuity). Any two characters in a Celestial Bond should also synergize in some sense. In addition to the abilities of Mages and Knights, the Celestial Bond gives the pair a fair greater connection, giving them a sort of mutual telepathy, allowing them to read each others thoughts and feelings, as well as predict and sense their actions. A sort of two acting as one type thing. In this RP, your characters will be those who have gained the most legendary forms of the Celestial Bonds possible, equiping you with powerful Celestial Gears and Celestial Potentials. Together, you all hold the fate of Grenheim in your hands. Of course, this is not an excuse to be OP, and I will be quite strict with power level, though you are free to go just about anywhere with your powers and abilities. The RP will start with your characters arriving at the mansion of the currently unnamed noble who has agreed to let you stay at his mansion. Your characters would have just undergone the ritual, and would most likely have yet to test out their abilities. Also, there will be a big focus on teamwork in this RP, given that your character will be mentally and emotionally linked to their partner, and it is encouraged that you and your partner work together on posts (collaboration posts), as well as your character sheets. [color=fff200][h3]Rules[/h3][/color] 1. Follow all RPG rules 2. Meta-gaming, powerplaying, and godmodding will not be tolerated to any extent. 3. Romance is perfectly acceptable, but keep rule 4 in mind. 4. Keep the RP PG-13, please. Mature content should be taken to PMs. 5. Please refrain from speed posting, or I will be forced to incorporate a mandatory posting order. 6. Posts must be at least a paragraph in length ( between 5-10 sentences, generally) with good grammar (I can let a few misspelling go, but if your posts are difficult to read due to bad grammar, I will probably ask you to leave.) 7. I usually expect about one post a week, but if something comes up, and you cannot post for some reason, just notify me. 8. Keep fighting out of the OOC. 9. This RP will require commitment, so if you believe you will drop this at some point, don't pick it up. 10. At first, you will have a maximum of one character. If we have less than 18 applications after a period, I will bump this up to two. 11. There will be only 18 character slots, which seems like a lot, because it is. I will not increase this limit for any reason. [color=fff200][h3]Tips[/h3][/color] Try to find a partner before working on your character sheet, and then collaborate and share ideas while making your sheets. Be creative! I'm giving a lot of freedom for your abilities, so feel free to go crazy with concepts, just try to limit yourself to a reasonable power level. Do some collaborative posts with your partner. I suggest something like www.titanpad.com Encorporate your character into the world! Give them views on everything from Grenheim, to the religion followed within its borders. This world is highly religious, so it will be a pretty important aspect. [color=fff200][h3]Character Sheets[/h3][/color] [hider=KNIGHT CS] [u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Full Name:[/b] [*][b]Gender:[/b] [*][b]Age:[/b] Minimum of 15, with no hard maximum. I suggest staying below the mid-twenties. [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [/list] [u][b]Background Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]History:[/b] Tell me a bit about your character's past. You don't have to tell me everything [*][b]Brief Personality:[/b] I don't want to know everything about your character, save it for IC, but at least give me something [*][b]Emotional Bond:[/b]Describe the bond between your character and their partner. [*][b]Partner:[/b] Who is your character bonded with? [/list] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b][list] [*][b]Fighting Style:[/b] How does your character fight, generally. I suggest including their role in combat with their partner. Try to differentiate your style from other players with the same type of character. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] What has your character brought with them? Don't go overboard. There will not be a hard limit, but whatever the character could carry on their person would probably be their personal maximum. [*][b]Weaknesses:[/b]This will be optional, but I suggest at least one. [/list] [u][b]Celestial Gear Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Your weapon's name, it's that simple. [*][b]Type:[/b] Is it a sword, a dagger, a scythe? Refer to the weapon type list for suggestions and what has already been taken. [*][b]Appearance:[/b] What does the weapon look like? a picture or description is fine. [*][b]Function:[/b] The weapon's primary ability. This shouldn't be too powerful, but it should synergize with your corresponding mage in some way. [*][b]Last Resort:[/b] This secondary ability is only to be used in dire circumstances, and would probably have dire consequences or strict activation conditions. This may be very difficult to balance. [/list] [b][u]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b][list](completely fucking optional) [*][b]Height:[/b] [*][b]Weight:[/b] [*][b]Likes:[/b] [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] [*][b]Hobbies:[/b] [*][b]Character Theme:[/b] [*][b]Other:[/b] [/list][/hider] [hider=MAGE CS] [u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Full Name:[/b] [*][b]Gender:[/b] [*][b]Age:[/b] Minimum of 15, with no hard maximum. I suggest staying below the mid-twenties. [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [/list] [u][b]Background Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]History:[/b] Tell me a bit about your character's past. You don't have to tell me everything [*][b]Brief Personality:[/b] I don't want to know everything about your character, save it for IC, but at least give me something [*][b]Emotional Bond:[/b]Describe the bond between your character and their partner. [*][b]Partner:[/b] Who is your character bonded with? [/list] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b][list] [*][b]Fighting Style:[/b] How does your character fight, generally. I suggest including their role in combat with their partner. Try to differentiate your style from other players with the same type of character. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] What has your character brought with them? Don't go overboard. There will not be a hard limit, but whatever the character could carry on their person would probably be their personal maximum. [*][b]Weaknesses:[/b]This will be optional, but I suggest at least one. [/list] [u][b]Celestial Potential Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Focus:[/b] The concept that encompases your character's magic. [*][b]Spells:[/b] You are allowed up to nine spells, but do not have to create all 9 to start out with. You can start with any number greater than 0, but any spells you add at a later time will have to be checked through me first. Just copy the name/function section for each spell. [*][b]Name:[/b] What you call this spell (honestly, this is optional, but spell names are cool) [*][b]Function:[/b] The effect of the spell. Please include all costs incurred from the spell's use. [/list] [/l\ist] [b][u]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b][list](completely fucking optional) [*][b]Height:[/b] [*][b]Weight:[/b] [*][b]Likes:[/b] [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] [*][b]Hobbies:[/b] [*][b]Character Theme:[/b] [*][b]Other:[/b] [/list][/hider] [b]List of Weapon suggestion (for Knights)[/b] Limit of 1 character for each weapon type. If you want a weapon type that is not on the list, PM me about it. I will allow the reservation of these while you make your CS, but I will only reserve it for a period of 2 days.[/center] [list] [*][b]Sword[/b] reserved by Onarax [*][b]Scythe[/b] Reserved by Chickn [*][b]Dagger(s)[/b] Reserved by StarinaBox [*][b]Shield[/b] Reserved by Nald [*][b]Axe[/b] Reserved by Scallop [*][b]Hammer[/b] [*][b]Armor[/b]Reserved by VarionusNW [*][b]Polearm[/b] Reserved by SavOrhchid [*][b]Bow[/b] Reserved by Apollosarcher [/list] [center] [color=fff200][h3]Character List[/h3][/color] Listed pairs, characters, and reserved slots will be listed here. If you reserve a slot, your reservation will expire in two days, unless you finish your CS in that time. [/center] [u][b]MAGE[/b][/u] 1.Stern Algorithm 2.Pie Flavor 3.Plank Sinatra 4.Fubsy 5.Dobroser 6.Pacha (unpaired) 7.Saberclass4242 8.Fateweaver 9.Dizl Reloaded(unpaired) [u][b]KNIGHT[/b][/u] 1.VarionusNW 2.Chikn 3.Onarax 4.SavOrhchid 5.StarinaBox 6.Nald(unpaired) 7.Dark Light 8.apollosarcher 9. [i][b]A note:[/b] There is still a bit of information I have to add to this, such as general information about Grenheim and its neighboring nations, as well as some info on Grenheim's religious text, oh and a map if I can get one made. This isn't entirely necessary for CS creation, though, so, I will be adding that stuff over the next few days. Feel free to work on and submit your CSs before then, but make sure you have a partner before submitting your CS.[/i] [@FateWeaver][@Candle][@Fubsy][@SaberClass4242][@Pie Flavor][@Chickn][@Dobroser][@Apollosarcher][@Stern Algorithm][@TheHangedMan][@Cynder]