[@Candle][@Fubsy][@SaberClass4242][@Pie Flavor][@Chickn][@Dobroser][@Treue][@Apollosarcher][@Stern Algorithm][@TheHangedMan][@Cynder][@FateWeaver] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/126059-celestial-bonds-the-fateful-few/ooc] OOC[/url] is up! I wanted to get the OOC out today, but due to something coming up, I didn't have time to write up a number of stuff about the world, and only finished the basic info on the pantheon of gods. You are all free to start submitting CSs now, though. The rest of the info will be written up and added over the course of the next week. Also, I just realized, Stern Algorithm, you were in the original version of this from 2 years ago. [s]Welcome back to dealing with my lack of GMing skills.[/s] Oh, and for anyone interested, I was thinking of setting up a Skype chat for this RP so that we could all communicate ideas more easily. Sound good?