After swallowing the too-large mouthful of burger, Mattie turned her head to look at Nick. Seeing him again made her heart skip beats and gave her butterflies, but thankfully, she didn't show either of these symptoms. Now that the emotional episode of yesterday was finished, she'd decided that they needed to talk. Just talk, she reminded herself. No punching or throwing things or demanding to know why he'd left. After all, she knew that now but just hadn't accepted it. There was a lot of information that was far more important. "Mattie," he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep over." She didn't respond verbally to that. Instead, she took note of how hoarse Nick sounded. She hopped off the counter and opened the fridge, withdrawing a bottle of water. (She took off the cap and sniffed to make sure it wasn't alcohol.) "Here. Take it," she told him, sliding it across the counter to him. She wasn't worried about seeming cold right now; after all being gone for three years was pretty cold of Nick. "I want you to give me some answers," she continued. "Like why you're really here. And where Jacob is, and whether that shitstorm is coming back to bite us in the ass, and––anything else." She crossed her arms.