Made another character to join the party [hider=Arin][center][img][/img][/center] [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]N[/color][color=#0B78C0]A[/color][color=#0894D5]M[/color][color=#05B0EA]E[/color][/b][/i] Arin [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]A[/color][color=#0A81C7]G[/color][color=#06A7E3]E[/color][/b][/i] 19 [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]G[/color][color=#0C6EB9]E[/color][color=#0A81C7]N[/color][color=#0894D5]D[/color][color=#06A7E3]E[/color][color=#04BAF1]R[/color][/b][/i] Male [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]A[/color][color=#0D66B2]F[/color][color=#0C70BA]F[/color][color=#0B7AC1]I[/color][color=#0A85C9]L[/color][color=#098FD1]I[/color][color=#0899D8]A[/color][color=#07A3E0]T[/color][color=#06AEE8]I[/color][color=#05B8EF]O[/color][color=#04C2F7]N[/color][/b][/i] The Bombers (MC) [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]Y[/color][color=#0D63B0]E[/color][color=#0C6BB6]A[/color][color=#0B72BB]R[/color][color=#0B7AC1]S[/color] [color=#0989CC]W[/color][color=#0890D2]I[/color][color=#0898D7]T[/color][color=#079FDD]H[/color] [color=#05AEE8]G[/color][color=#05B6EE]A[/color][color=#04BDF3]N[/color][color=#03C5F9]G[/color][/b][/i] 3 [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]A[/color][color=#0C67B3]P[/color][color=#0B72BB]P[/color][color=#0A7DC4]E[/color][color=#0989CC]A[/color][color=#0894D5]R[/color][color=#079FDD]A[/color][color=#06ABE5]N[/color][color=#05B6EE]C[/color][color=#04C1F6]E[/color][/b][/i] Arin stands at about 5'9" and weighs around 157 lbs. He is rather slender but also fit, with some nice muscle definition to him that shows he's no pushover. He is Puerto Rican with tan skin and cuts and scratches scattered across his arms and hands, from everything from fights to busting in windows. He is most often seen wearing an electric blue zip-up hoodie with the sleeves torn off, unzipped over top of a white band shirt, most often his [url=]The Clash T-shirt.[/url] He wears black jeans that are torn some on his left knee and [url=]bright blue converse hightops.[/url] His mask is a [url=]green latex lizard mask[/url], because according to Arin, "Lizards are fucking cool". [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]P[/color][color=#0D66B2]E[/color][color=#0C70BA]R[/color][color=#0B7AC1]S[/color][color=#0A85C9]O[/color][color=#098FD1]N[/color][color=#0899D8]A[/color][color=#07A3E0]L[/color][color=#06AEE8]I[/color][color=#05B8EF]T[/color][color=#04C2F7]Y[/color][/b][/i] He is sarcastic and joking to the core, keeping a chilled out and humorous attitude to him in most situations. He uses humor to emphasize his mood when he's good or to hide it when he's upset. He isn't above making jabs at others when he's pissed, even if it gets him in trouble sometimes, but when his temper is lost he has trouble controlling it. He gives off a nonchalant feeling about himself, even when he is in the midst of gruesome tasks; cracking jokes or refusing to see the situation as fucked up as it really is, but maybe that's just his way of dealing with it. He is a nihilist to a degree, but in the sense that if nothing truly matters, then why the fuck worry? He tends to use this to rationalize some of the things he does or when he does something stupid. All in all, if there is no greater purpose than he should spend his life how he pleases, even if it's morally dubious to say the absolute least of it. He has difficulty trusting people, but once you've earned it then you are set with him. It's interesting that a man so daring and risk-taking physically can be so cautious emotionally, but he knows that pain from emotional wounds take a hell of alot longer to heal than most physical wounds, even stab wounds from an all too stupid movie in a fight with some Razors. He is still outgoing and fun around people he likes, but is reluctant to truly trust them. [color=#0E5CAB]S[/color][color=#0C68B4]T[/color][color=#0B75BD]R[/color][color=#0A81C7]E[/color][color=#098ED0]N[/color][color=#079AD9]G[/color][color=#06A7E3]T[/color][color=#05B3EC]H[/color][color=#04C0F5]S[/color] [color=green]►[/color]Driving: This kid knows his way around a bike, and isn't afraid to show it. Going fast is like a drug for him, and there is absolutely no rush like it. [color=green]►[/color]Speed: Not just on a bike though, his feet are quick and he is adept a long distance running and short bursts of absolute sprinting. [color=green]►[/color]Silver Tongue: Or, more accurately, he knows how to lie well and talk his way out of trouble when he has to. [color=green]►[/color]Street Fighting: He is by no means a master of any martial art, but he knows how to fight pretty well, and his hits are nothing to scoff at. [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]W[/color][color=#0C67B3]E[/color][color=#0B72BB]A[/color][color=#0A7DC4]K[/color][color=#0989CC]N[/color][color=#0894D5]E[/color][color=#079FDD]S[/color][color=#06ABE5]S[/color][color=#05B6EE]E[/color][color=#04C1F6]S[/color][/b][/i] [color=red]►[/color]Reckless: He often makes decisions without thinking them through first at all, which can land him in trouble. [color=red]►[/color]Temper: When his temper is lost, which can be difficult to do, there is often no calming him down. He has to work it out himself, and that often won't end pretty. [color=red]►[/color]Abandonment: He has an intense fear of being abandoned, not that he`d ever tell anyone. [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]L[/color][color=#0B72BB]I[/color][color=#0989CC]K[/color][color=#079FDD]E[/color][color=#05B6EE]S[/color][/b][/i] [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] Drinking cola. He is constantly downing the stuff, and has been doing so since he was a kid and has no plans of stopping soon. [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] His [url=]1984 Kawasaki GPz750 Turbo[/url]. He fixed it up and modded it so he is very attached now. [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] Smoking pot and drinking. Every man has his vices, and when he wants to forget or unwind all he needs to do is light up for drink up. He is more fond of the former than the latter. [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] Mexican food. Nothing hits the spot like a nice and greasy burrito, or taco, or nachos, or practically anything you'd find on a Taco Bell menu. [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] Listening to rock and punk music. Often times, listening to it way too loudly. He loves The Clash, Adolescents, and Yes. [color=#0AEFFF]✯[/color] Watching cartoons. A personal favorite pass time. [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]D[/color][color=#0C6AB5]I[/color][color=#0B78C0]S[/color][color=#0986CA]L[/color][color=#0894D5]I[/color][color=#07A2DF]K[/color][color=#05B0EA]E[/color][color=#04BEF4]S[/color][/b][/i] [color=red]✘[/color] People who are downers or pessimists. Lighten the hell up. [color=red]✘[/color] Facing his own morality, even if he convinces himself he doesn't care. [color=red]✘[/color] Going slow, especially when driving. [color=red]✘[/color] Anyone who betrays him or gives his trust issues more reason to be. [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]R[/color][color=#0D64B1]E[/color][color=#0C6DB7]L[/color][color=#0B76BE]A[/color][color=#0A7EC4]T[/color][color=#0987CB]I[/color][color=#0890D1]O[/color][color=#0898D8]N[/color][color=#07A1DE]S[/color][color=#06AAE5]H[/color][color=#05B2EB]I[/color][color=#04BBF2]P[/color][color=#03C4F8]S[/color][/b][/i] TBA [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]O[/color][color=#0B72BB]T[/color][color=#0989CC]H[/color][color=#079FDD]E[/color][color=#05B6EE]R[/color][/b][/i] He always keeps his steel baseball bat with him as his weapon. [i][b][color=#0E5CAB]T[/color][color=#0B72BB]H[/color][color=#0989CC]E[/color][color=#079FDD]M[/color][color=#05B6EE]E[/color][/b][/i] [url=]AFI- The Boy Who Destroyed the World[/url][/hider] [@DeadBeatWalking]