Although the playful punch in the arm didn’t hurt at all, he pouted over-dramatically and rubbed the spot where she punched. “And I’m still a delicate little flower.” If you asked what young Gray’s favorite place to be was, you’d hear it was at Monica’s house. Despite them coming from completely different lifestyles, he appreciated the small homey feel of their house and enjoyed the company of her family. They really made him feel like he belonged there and always welcomed him whenever he would come over. They were such fantastic people, it was no wonder that he would find a best friend in their daughter. The mention of Sergio’s made his stomach grumble, he hadn’t realized how hungry he actually was. Funny how excitement can make you forget things. “Oh yeah it’s still open. I also remember having my birthday there and you beating me in the Mortal Kombat game. However! I have you know that my skills have improved... kinda…” Her answer was simple, and the fact that she held his gaze was rather impressive, that meant she was serious about her choice and she didn’t regret it. Keeping straight face as he listened to her speak he couldn’t help but nod at the end. Okay, that made sense. And no matter how he felt about the situation, he couldn’t change the past but he could help the future. “Next time don’t lose my number.” His voice was playful and he even shot her a goofy wink but he knew her well enough to know that he’d get his point across without her being offended. Once they were outside Gray practically skipped to his car before turning around and stretching out his arms. “Look! I still have it!” The [i]it[/i] he was referring to was his [url=]beat up old car[/url]. “Lucky is still alive and kicking!” This was the first car he ever purchased with his own money. Working hard at a cannery for the summer to get up enough money to buy his first car; and yes, he still had it! He was never one to flaunt his money, nor did he like to remind everyone that he was very well off. Instead he lived below his means and never really felt the need to give a reason why. He stuck the key into the passenger’s side door and unlocked it opening the door for her. “Want me to put your crotches in the back seat?”