[@Queen Raidne] and [@Arawak], I've decided that your both of your Nation Sheets are complete enough to allow posting, though neither are fully finished. Arawak, however, will not be able to do an Explorer Post just yet. [hr] [@Ozerath] I am officially impressed with your knowledge of space-age weapons. I hope you won't mind if I ask for your advice regarding weaponry sometimes- I know enough to get bye, and enough to make some general ground-rules, but not enough to really write on it. [hr] [@Lauder] Oh, keep that Keriss crap in the RP it belongs in :lol [hr] [@ClocktowerEchos] Are you still here, my Neko loving friend? [hr] [quote=@TheSovereignGrave] Well, I got the Military Details done. So hurray! I'm actually getting work done on my NS! Still gotta do the tech and spaceships though. And history as well; is there anybody who's planning on being near me on the map? [/quote] No. Nobody wants to be near you. Thou art alone forever, trapped in that one overpopulated system.