Oh cool! Well here's my character sheet, I can leave it up to you guys whether you actually wanna or not. =p [hider=Albert Archibald]Personal Information Full Name: Albert (Al) Archibald Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: Al is a young man with short, wavy dark brown hair, vibrant green eyes, and an olive toned complexion. He is of average stature as well as physically fit. He can often be found in rather formal outfits. On the dressier side, he wears a white button down shirt under a brown vert and a long, red jacket as well as black pants and boots. On the more casual side, he wears a red turtleneck, black shorts, and and boots. [u]Background Information[/u] History: Albert comes from a prestigious family of mages and was brought up as the successor to his family's magecraft, and was instructed by his father to prioritize magecraft over his own interests. Due to unexpected and unfortunate events, his father was betrayed and killed while he was still young, and his mother dying of illness several years afterward. Because of this, he was left alone in his studies and watched after by his uncle, who would assure him that sometimes the path to becoming a great mage required sacrifices. Although Al resents the sacrifices he has endured for the sake of tradition, he is fiercely competitive and eager to prove himself as a skilled and capable magus. And though he believes in his abilities, he worries about how limited they can truly be. Brief Personality: Al is a perceptive, serious, resourceful, and very competitive person. Though he gives off the impression of being prim and proper, he is, in actuality, notably loud, shrewd, stingy and bossy. That being said, though, he usually means well for those he cares about. His manner of speech is often hostile and dismissive of other people, often getting carried away with himself. It only takes a simple mistake to knock him back off his high horse though. Emotional Bond:Describe the bond between your character and their partner. Partner: Who is your character bonded with? [u]Combat Information[/u] Fighting Style: Albert is very diverse in battle, though he tends to specialize in long ranged combat. He mostly relies on strategy and calculation in order to lead his enemies into a trap. Equipment: He carries a pouch of various jewels along with him, all stored with mana and ready to be used at a moment's notice. However, due to his fragile mana circuits (explained in weaknesses), he is rendered potentially helpless when he runs out of jewels. In that case, he also carries with him a dagger in which he can strengthen with minimal mana supply, though he has minimal training on self defense. He also holds a family pendant, consisting of a large ruby imbued with many generations of Archibald mana. Even Albert is unaware of its capabilities, there for acting more as a keepsake from his father than anything else. Weaknesses: As stated before, Albert's biggest downfall is the limited supply of jewels he carries with him and his flawed mana circuits. Though he came from a prestigious family of makes, their biggest secret was their flawed mana circuits that would not allow them to use large amounts of mana at a time. This is why the Archibald family relied on jewel magecraft, conversion of mana into jewels so that when triggered through minimal use of mana cause a chain effect great magical attacks. Albert is still capable of using various types of fire, earth, and void magic, even dabbling in minor water and wind magic, if need be, but it puts great strain on his body, so anything more than a few spells will render him helpless. , resulting in powerful magical spells. Al is still capable of using fire, earth, and void magic without the use of jewels, however, even only using a few spells will strain his body and render him useless. [u]Celestial Potential Information[/u] Focus: Jewel Magecraft [u]Spells:[/u] Ifrit Schuss - Fire projectiles that seek out and strike a target, can also be used to cast fiery butst explosions. Odin Schild - A weak crystalline barrier capable of momentarily fending off attacks (works better on magical attacks, easily shattered by physical attacks). Verbeugung - A strong gravitational pull that lasts momentarily to hold a target in place. Engels-Riss - A healing spell that varies in effect depending on the amount of mana expended from the jewel(s) being used. Brynhildr Gnade - A blinding burst of light that renders those in the area momentarily blind (essentially a flashbomb). Can also be used to unravel illusionary spells or dark magic. Bahamut Zorn - Similar to Ifrit Schuss, though much stronger and consisting of dark flames that take the form of a serpent-like creature. Wise Krieger - Owl-like familiars made of jewels that act on their own and follow Al’s commands. (This is a spell he still struggles to master and maintain for a long amount of time due to his mana circuits, so this may not be used until later on. I just know I would like to have my character use this at some point.)[/hider]