[b][center] [color=Rosybrown][h3]Ravenia Rose[/h3][/color] [color=palevioletred]|End Point| Ravenia's Home[/color][/center][/b] Ravenia's bright green eyes studied Marcus's face as his voice rasped out. She nodded her head and twisted her hair up in a high bun on top of her head. She always did this when she was trying to think. [color=rosybrown][b]"You know Marcus. I don't know if there's anything anybody can do to help me. I feel like I'm slowly going mad with anger. Thank you for speaking too. I'm sure your throat must be hurting. Please help yourself to some tea in the kitchen."[/b][/color] She said and nodded towards her kitchen where she knew he could muster up something to drink. One of her favorite beverages was definitely tea. She was thrown off by Tobias crouching down in front of her. She sat up straight as she spoke to her about admitting there was something wrong with her. A part of her, the angry part, twinged at the thought that there was something wrong with her. However, the part that was asking for help told her she was being stupid. There was something wrong with her. It was painfully evident these days. Instead of pushing Tobias away from her, she studied his face too for a moment or two. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, the familiar pain filled her mouth. Ravenia sucked in a small breath when he reached out and grabbed her hand. This had been the first type of intimacy they had shown one another in a long time, but it was in the look in his eyes that hit her hardest. She moved slowly, almost like she wasn't trying to spook Tobias, as she slowly placed her feet on the floor, slid her arms around his neck, and pulled him into a tight embrace. Ravenia buried her face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. [color=rosybrown][b]"I miss you. I need you. I'm sorry."[/b][/color] She whispered only loud enough where he could here. Being respectful of Marcus too, she released her ex-boyfriend and sat back. The look she returned said just how badly she missed and needed him. [b][center][color=dimgray][h3]Julius Iron-Root[/h3][/color] [color=silver]|End Point| The Medical Center [/color] [/center] [/b] [color=dimgray][b]"My suggestion is not to anger the leader of the town you wish to sale your fare within; perhaps, even live within one day."[/b][/color] Julius said, not really caring to argue with the woman he was escorting to the medical center. He could tell. She wasn't all there. That was the life of many wanderers though. Sometimes they came into the Lands a little half-cocked. The two guards that stood at the doors of the medical center opened the doors to Julius and Cynthia. The large man nodded down to the two mean and continued to escort the woman to one of the rooms where she could be inspected by a doctor but not be of any danger to the public. He opened the door to one of the rooms that was secluded for these particular situations. Julius ushered the woman in and nodded for her to take a seat on the bed as he sat on one of the accommodating stools, leaning back against the wall, and crossing his arms over his chest. The room they were in was fairly bare, only providing the basics to accommodate the person currently in the room. A bare bed, a loan sink, a counter absent of medical supplies, and two empty cabinets. The seeing physicians always brought their own supplies into this room whenever someone was in. [color=dimgray][b]"Get comfy. We've got to wait for a doc or nurse to come see you. Landers get priority."[/b][/color]