[quote=@Remipa Awesome] And in the last hour or two, my life just went up shit creek. May still be able to post when I said, may be an additional day or two. Also, what is a way to tell a really nice but possessive person you have a girlfriend? Who claims that you're their only friend (Despite getting "Advice" from like 4 different people about how to handle our "relationship")? The situation is... escalating. And it's taking a toll... again. [/quote] Well, if you've tried being nice and it doesn't work then I'm sorry to suggest maybe being blatant about it. I'm one to always advice against pushing friends away when getting into relationships, but when people become toxic and a threat to your relationship then it's probably best to cut them off (if they don't seem to understand when you explain nicely) even if it's just for a while.