Here we go, almost finished. Just need a partner for the largest man to finish some stuff up. Also, if anyone makes a character over 6'8", Lucius instantly gains height on them. [hider=Lucius Eruditio] [center][h2][b][color=#adf6d6]L[/color][color=#b9f7dc]u[/color][color=#c4f9e2]c[/color][color=#d0fae8]i[/color][color=#dcfbed]u[/color][color=#e8fcf3]s[/color] [color=#ffffff]E[/color][color=#fef6eb]r[/color][color=#fceed7]u[/color][color=#fbe5c3]d[/color][color=#faddae]i[/color][color=#f9d49a]t[/color][color=#f7cc86]i[/color][color=#f6c372]o[/color][/b][/h2][hr][hr][img][/img][/center][hr][hr] [u][b]Personal Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Full Name:[/b] Lucius Eruditio [*][b]Gender:[/b] Male [*][b]Age:[/b] 22 [*][b]Appearance:[/b] Lucius is quite a large man. He easily towers above most others and is also rather heavy-set. While this appearance is out of the ordinary, what brings even more attention to himself is his attire. He is never seen without a mask of some sort. While others may wear masks to appear more mysterious, Lucius wears his mask because, well, his face looks like someone had smashed it into a stove multiple times. [/list] [u][b]Background Information[/b][/u] [hider=History]Lucius was born as a simple boy. To be raised on the farm, work on the farm, inherit the farm, make a family, die. Despite this preordained fate of the commoner, Lucius was insatiably curious about the world. When he was a child, he had become interested about how clothes became clean. He watched his mother clean clothes. As she left to do other things, Lucius had noticed a cloth on the table that her mother had been cleaning clothes upon. Lucius pulled the cloth, which was quite difficult. Once the cloth finally slipped, Lucius had looked directly up and seen a large metal object hurdling right towards his face. Once Lucius had woke up, he was surrounded by his family and the local doctor. They told him what happened. An burning hot iron had fell upon his face, burning it severely and permanently disfiguring his face. While most others would be discouraged, Lucius had not changed. His curiosity continued to grow. He was constantly made fun of by other children in the area. It didn't quite help that Lucius wasn't the smallest child. However, Lucius didn't care. He was slowly learning. It was enough for him. Though, his preordained fate was set to stay as a simple farmer, a traveling mage had changed his fate. While watching the mage preform a small amount of magic to prove his identity, Lucius became enthralled with the concept of magic. He had heard of it before, but he and everyone else in the village had never heard about it. Upon seeing the mage create a ball of fire, Lucius studied what he saw. He studied until the night was over. On the day that the mage was leaving, Lucius created a small flame in his hand. The mage was surprised. A child who had never seen magic before had suddenly performed it. Despite it's small size, it was still impressive. After some minor negotiations with his parents, Lucius was sent to a military academy to learn magic. From there, his life changed. He was bullied for his face and size there. However, after many years had passed, most of the others had stopped making fun of him. Mostly due to the fact that he towered above them and wore a mask (with permission). At some point, Lucius was sent to a new academy. One that had new magical concepts. After a short trip home, Lucius came to the noble's mansion, along with the others.[/hider] [list] [*][b]Brief Personality:[/b] Lucius is quite a nice person. Despite his intimidating size, he is quite a nice person. He helps whoever needs help. While some may think that Lucius is ignoring them, Lucius is actually lost in his thoughts. He tends to never show he's angry or frustrated, despite how he may feel inside. He is also quite sensitive about his face, trying to avert topics whenever they come up about his mask. Lucius is insatiably curious. He likes learning new things. Due to his upbringing, he also enjoys caring for plants. Besides that, Lucius could best be described as a friendly giant. [*][b]Emotional Bond:[/b] Not yet. [*][b]Partner:[/b] Looking for someone. [/list] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b][list] [*][b]Fighting Style:[/b] Lucius fights like a true support: He protects his bond, or anyone he's fighting with, to overcome the enemy. (This is incomplete) [*][b]Equipment:[/b][hr][list][*][b]Staff of Yew[/b] - A staff that Lucius created in his free time. Breaks really easily, but better for combat than nothing.[hr] [*][b]Lucius Magic Notes[/b] - A small tome containing all of Lucius' notes about magical concepts, in efforts of understanding magic. Most of it is failed theories, gibberish, and neat drawings.[hr] [*][b]Large Garbs[/b] - A mask and robes that Lucius wears. No effect, but they look quite nice.[hr] [*][b]Hometown Melon[/b] - A large melon that Lucius had brought as a gift for the noble who took him and the others in. Really sweet and tasty. Extremely rare, unless you venture far into the boonies.[hr] [/list][hr] [*][b]Weaknesses:[/b] Lucius, despite his large stature, is terrible at fighting. If he has no one with him, he tends to just be a big man who can throw rocks. On that note, he can not run fast, nor can he run for very long. [/list] [u][b]Celestial Potential Information[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Focus:[/b] Guardianship [*][b]Spells:[/b] [hr][list][*][b]Name:[/b] Aegis of the Hero [*][b]Function:[/b] Lucius places a shield upon someone, drastically increasing their defense. This drains his energy the longer it goes on, to the point where it can cause him to collapse from exhaustion. [hr] [*][b]Name:[/b] Shield of the Sworn [*][b]Function:[/b] Lucius links himself with someone. While linked, they share whatever wounds the other may receive. While it doesn't drain the energy of Lucius, if the person he is linked to is hurt, he will be hurt in turn. [hr] [*][b]Name:[/b] Guidance of the Future [*][b]Function:[/b] Lucius creates a warm glow within his hands. Anything that touches the glow is slowly healed. While something like a small laceration or minor fractured bones can be healed within minutes, something like an open fracture or someone getting their arm ripped off would be impossible to heal. At that point, the power can only be used to stop bleeding or force the bone back inside of the body. Using this power constantly drains his energy to the point of collapse. [hr] [*][b]Name:[/b] Backing of Stone [*][b]Function:[/b] Lucius crushes mater into rather large projectiles that he can fire at things. While not really an amazing function, heavy objects like stones and metals can crush bugs, stun normal things, or just annoy big things. [hr] [*][b]Name:[/b] Grand Escutcheon [*][b]Function:[/b] Lucius plants his staff down then claps his hands. Once he does this, anything that Lucius deems to be evil or bad is rejected outside of a 5 meter radius. Things inside of the radius can not leave, and things outside can not enter. While this is happening, his staff slowly burns down until it becomes nothing. Once it is nothing, the spell becomes inactive. The length of the spell depends on the staff that Lucius has. The staff must be created by Lucius from a Yew tree. The better craftsmanship, the longer it lasts. Usually, the staff only lasts for a minute and a half, due to Lucius being quite a poor craftsman. Only one staff can exist at a time. If Lucius creates two, only the newer staff will work. [/list][hr][/list] [b][u]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b][list] [*][b]Height:[/b] 6'8", ~200 cm. [*][b]Weight:[/b] 290 pounds, ~130 kg. [*][b]Likes:[/b] Melons, learning, magic. [*][b]Dislikes:[/b] People who dislike magic. Rude people. [*][b]Hobbies:[/b] In his free time, Lucius likes to read and study magic. Other than that, care for small potted plants. [*][b]Character Theme:[/b] Will probably find this later. [*][b]Other:[/b] [/list][/hider]