[h1]Dragons Cradle[/h1] [color=9e0b0f]"In that case lass, you'll need to get yourself to Kral Deresh, quickly! Your father was a good friend of the dwarves, when he lost his throne he met with king Dallenord to offer his council. He was having visions regarding the conqueror. The king offered him sanctuary for him and his family but he vanished in the night. Lord Dallenord has been seeking him ever since. We have no right to order you about young miss, but the king has imperative need of you or your pap. If you'll go I'll have captain Roric and his rangers offer protection."[/color] at this the captain spoke up [color=a0410d]"Honoured smith, I cannot leave you! In these times of war the mountains are no longer safe!"[/color] the aged smith turned his eyes to the captain, [color=9e0b0f]"Roric If Tihaluhesi was right then this girl and that golem will do much more for us than I ever could. If she goes leave me 8 warriors, that's more than enough to hold this place."[/color] he returned his gaze to the elf girl "[color=9e0b0f]"Your answer miss..."[/color] [@Mr Rage] [h2]Outskirts of Black Heart bog[/h2] [color=fff200]"Truly this would be a lot quicker if I was still that dammed cat!"[/color] swore Kufue as he made his slow progress out of the massive swamp. It had been three days since he had left the witches cottage. [color=fff200]"At this rate all the world will be swallowed by flame, and all the treasures will be Scazzvens!"[/color] he thought bitterly. Yet his fortune changed when he encountered the first wholesome creature he had seen in years, a Magpie, braving the swamp waters searching for sparkling treasures. Kufue had long had an affinity for scavengers and the like, and his 'gift' he had stolen from the witch had only strengthened this affinity. He approached the bird carefully and closed his eyes making soft cooing sounds so that he was sure the magpie was looking at him. Then he opened his golden eye putting the bird in trance as it stared into its brilliant glory. [color=fff200]"I'll need your help little mag, you and the crows have long shared a spirit with the people of Vershult. Go, find me this... silent martyr. And bring him to me."[/color] he closed his eye, then opened both of them. And with that the magpie flew off, to Vershult. [@Razael]