Can't really say much that hasn't already been bought up, but remember... you are not alone. Thousands get bullied every day and it can make the strongest individual feel the most lonely person at times. The best thing you can do is talk about it. Talk to teachers, parents, supervisors... anyone really. You have the right to enjoy your life and no one should make you feel small. I had my own problems in school and it ended with me snapping and sending a fellow student to the medical center because I punched his teeth through his lips. Did he deserve it, not really. Did he bully me, yes. My one advice is never let it get to that stage. The idea of fighting back can be a darker road and while it solved my peoplems cause people stopped after that, I almost ended up with an assault charge. I only got out of that because I recorded everything with the teachers and principal. So I can't guarentee you'll have the same luck.