Inside the "Milano", a distinctive vocabulator informed the crew via comm-link: [i]"Ze rreaktor isz running zmoothly. Everizing down here rready for der hyperspace as soon as we exit die asteroid field... [b]kan I Pressume ze aztrogration shall be ready too, Musuka[/b]?" [/i] Inside the reactor compartment, Fixer kept, howewer, working with both hands full into a maintenance hatch. His third arm, at his back, made constant gestures to support his words in front of nobody. A task it only interrumped to exchange one or another tool with the main arms: [i]"Damn kapacitator, damn cheap and overrated kuati spare parts. Zat's the only zing zey do, and zey believe demselves experts because of that! Zis zing may fry up even if it vas installed in ME"[/i]