[@sakurasan] Copen could only be bemused as a strange girl helped him up. "Thanks," he muttered, a hand coming up to feel the painful lump forming at his forehead. Well, that was just great. But it could be worse, he reminded himself, as his dark blue eyes darted to the helpful woman - she seemed to have a twin, as his vision blurred in and out. He squinted a bit, following her gentle guidance as he got into the cab. First, he'd assumed she was a nice, kind stranger sending him home - but then, she got in with him. "Am I getting lucky tonight~~?" he slurred, side collapsing and his head coming to rest on her shoulder. Hm. She smelled sort of nice. In fact, it was disappointing when she exited the cab. He frowned, drunkenly leaning out of the car with a puppydog expression on his face. Oh, in this emotionally amplified state, it [i]hurt[/i] that she would leave him. He didn't even know her name! But... "You're asking me to come inside?" he asked, a slightly naughty expression curling his lips. "If you insist..." The tall blond lurched out, stumbling as he regained his balance on the pavement. Clearing his throat, he blinked down at the girl in a drunken stupor. "What's your name?"