[img]https://scontent-gru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/12973100_1004698506283877_4603852295681189825_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9[/img] -Name: Ashtara -Age: Unknown -Race and a brief description: Goddes of war and violence: Ashtara was born from the hate originated by the heart of humans,not as mighty as the world "God" may make you think gods are still fearsome warriors with great speed and strenght -Powers or skills: 1)-Summoned sword: She can create an unbreakable sword she wields with maestry 2)-Fast healing: Her wounds heal quite quickly, yet it doesn't mean she cant get killed. 3)-Fast learner and creative: This helps her in all her jobs, understanding how the job is done and finding a quick solution to any problem that may appear [hider=House] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/a2/07/f6a20794443425e3a34008574ea96c75.jpg[/img] Not really her house, she founded it abandoned and repaired it [/hider] -Bussines/job: Ashtara prefers bot to work in one place, instead she goes around the village taking all kind of jobs to help people -Important items: A pendant made with pearls offered as payment by a girl for helping her save her parents 500 years ago. -Hobbies: Her only hobby is to lay on the grass and watch the clouds -More info: Bio: Carrying bloody past as the Goddes of War Ashtara has been in this bussines for over 3000 years but has never been happy about it, people praying for bloodshattering seem to follow her everywhere. Despite her evil nature Ashtara has been trying her best to become a good goddes