First, I want to apologize for not reporting back. I've become distracted by other things and have a bit forgotten about this, but now as it has become clear that the other RP I've used this base concept will never start, I'm back and (hopefully) prepared: [hider=Vaughtar] [b]Name:[/b] Vaughtar [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] undefined [b]Species:[/b] Gargoyle [b]World of origin:[/b] [i]Munimis[/i] is a portmanteau that has been comprised of the latin phrase [i]mundus nimis[/i], translated "dreadful world". It is the name its inhabitants have given to their parallel earth. Up to the 9th century A.D., it was in virtually every aspect a perfect clone of the 'standard' earth - and then there was magic. Not the type of magic one can learn and then actively use, but the type of supernatural, inborn magic, that makes the difference between vampire, werewolf and the ordinary human being. Noone, including those benefiting from it, knows what really happened, but the subsequent developments have left the world stuck in the middle ages for more than half a thousand years. There's a dramatically reduced interest in advances on the fields of mathematics or physics as the ordinary population has fallen victim to an ongoing war between either the new inhabitants the anomaly has selected from their own ranks or their descendants. For them, an ordinary villager is either a toy, a resource or another case of collateral damage. However the constant pressure has resulted in ordinary people forgetting about old rivalries, and hardly anyone is eager to start a new one because of a littleness. There is still a very large and stable number of ordinary humans left on Munimis, but it's a constant struggle against nature and creatures to survive and go on. [b]Are you a member of TRIDENT?[/b] No. [b]Appearance:[/b] One can clearly see that he is a creature whose outer appearance has been designed to be imposing even when being looked at from many yards below. From feet to horns, he stands at 6'10 and his frame is the very far opposite of slender. There are some features that don't really make sense from a biological standpoint, such as the sharp bone extensions protruding backwards from his elbows that are in danger of punching his own wings if not used properly, the short and coiled horns or the small tusks, but that's likely due to the chiseller focusing rather on appearance. There's a faint glow in his seemingly pupilles eyes that can be seen when it's really dark. As for his weight, well... get two sturdy bathroom scales, one for each of his feet and ask him to load them equally in order to get an accurate reading. He is somewhat used to roam among the ordinary people of his world of origin, but as he doesn't fit in ordinary pants or shirts, his style of clothing is basically a huge piece of cloth stitched together from multiple parts that he uses as a cloak when he folds his wings really tightly to his back. [img][/img][color=aaaaaa]Source: lucio7lopez @ DeviantArt[/color] [b]Abilities and skills:[/b] Beginning with his fighting abilities, he is not the person you have to guess what he might be capable of. He is very much 'what you see is what you can expect': Crushing blows and an untamed talent for burrowing into things and ripping them apart. If you have a really bad day he'll do this while landing on you. However that's it: Even the most primitive of firearms have not been available to him, same goes for training in things like swords, bows or other weaponry outdated on 'standard' earth. Running an ordinary household is something he has never done for obvious reasons, but he knows something about preparing basic meals, wood cutting, tailoring and other things - he's a creature that doesn't fall behind in intelligence and being surrounded by ordinary villagers, he has learned a few things over the years. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] [color=00ff00](+)[/color] Incredibly strong and very durable, at least at night (see below). [color=00ff00](+)[/color] Capable of flying. He can take another person on his back with him in the air as long as the person is not too heavy. [color=00ff00](+)[/color] Very good eyesight: Can see in the dark and very sharply. [color=ff0000](-)[/color] The rift has severed his link to the supernatural properties of Munimis' solar system. It does save him from turning to stone each sunrise, but during daytime he's like a sick man: Exhausted quickly when asked to do things like running fast, weaker than normal, poor reflexes and reaction times. Basically he's starved of a chunk of urgently needed sleep. [color=ff0000](-)[/color] His eyesight is a two sided coin on 'standard' earth: Recent technology makes very heavy use of spacial and temporal discretization and the incapability of the human eye to follow such quick and tiny things, be it pixels and framerates on computer displays or dimming lights by applying a pulse-width modulated supply. This is merely an annoyance, the more important issue is that there's just too much of it. He can be blinded much easier and more effectively than an ordinary human by using a flashlight, the camera light of a smartphone etc. Of course there are sunglasses and he probably needs them during daytime outside, but these accessoires just have a tendency to fall off or be destroyed in a fight, especially with the 'style' he uses. [color=ff0000](-)[/color] Movement is very loud and he is quickly impeded by tight spaces. [b]Equipment Requests:[/b] none. [b]History:[/b] The birth or gargoyles is probably one of the least understood processes on Munimis. It is like they aren't really 'born' at all. Chisellers carve stone like they did on standard earth in order to create decorating figures that were believed to repel evil entities. Most of them never get to know that, when and which of their creations has started to demonstrate an independent existence. It was the same with Vaughtar, so he doesn't have any real parents and has been living on his own for his entire life. However some inevitable day he started making contact with the other beings of Munimis. His experiences with vampires and wolves aren't exactly pleasureable and so were his first contacts with ordinary humans. As time passed he managed to prove to the small community he was surrounded by that he's not just evil as most of the other supernatural beings, though many still stepped back when he was approaching. He has never actually seen the rift itself - it had opened right above the pillar he was resting on and the next thing he knows is that there was a celestial body high above the horizon he had never seen before himself and the sky was blue instead of black. [b]Personality:[/b] He might look extremely intimidating, but the ones who know can calm down: It can be considered a major achievement to get him mad at oneself. However his sense of humor is a big gap because he just doesn't understand many jokes - it'll leave him behind confused. He is capable of steep learning curves, but needs to be picked up where he is. He tends to quick action instead of preparing plans well in advance - where he comes from there are just more variables that can change.[/hider]