Appearance: [hider=Milo Thatch and Kida's Daughter][img][/img][/hider] Name: Cannenta Age: 15 Power: Her Crystal is her power as it has the power of healing though she only uses it in dire emergencies. Bio: Cannenta is the daughter of Milo thatch and Kida. (will think of more later.) Extra: She is best friends with Bethany and Korak Appearance:[hider=Tarzan and Jane Porter's son and daughter.][img][/img][/hider] Name: Bethany Age: Bethany is 15 Power: Bethany has the Power to remember everything she hears, sees or reads Bethany also has enhanced sight though not as good as her brother. Bio: Bethany is the daughter of Tarzan and Jane she has an older brother named Korak. Korak has already graduated from the school and is back in the forest with his parents. Bethany is excited to be heading to the school she will be attending with her best friend Cannenta. (will come up with more later.) Extra: They are best friends with Cannenta. How Cannenta and Bethany met: When Cannenta was 6 years her parents left Atlantis to go visit with old friends. Bethany also coming into own around the same time to visit her mother father and this was where Cannenta and Bethany met. The two girls have been inseparable since always exchanging letters and visiting when ever the parents have time and spare moments.