CS, kind of unsure how thorough it needs to be for a free roleplay. Name: Connor Age: 8 Powers: Telekinesis Direct eye contact with Connor causes worst memories to replay in head for the duration Appearance: Connor has short brown hair, blue eyes, and stands about 4'1". He has fair skin and typically wears sweatpants and a t-shirt. He also covers his eyes with a black piece of fabric wrapped around his head so it stays attached. Personality: Connor is quiet, still trying to get over his rejection by his foster parents. He is surprisingly polite, given his age, and is also dependent on others to show him around. He pretends he is blind so that people don't ask him to take off his covering. Bio: Connor, luckily, was born to parents who accepted him. (although they never could find out why they kept remembering things) He eventually discovered that people seemed to freak out because of his eyes, though he didn't know why, so he covers them. Besides that, Connor was actually pretty happy. That changed when he was 6. He was going to the store with his parents when he accidentally turned the steering wheel from the backseat, causing the car to veer into oncoming traffic. He survived, but his parents were killed. He was put into a foster home, but the family thought he was some sort of demon and cast him out into the streets.