[quote]Note that if your character is a very powerful being, human or spirit, she is likely to have been noticed and approached by at least a few other beings and groups, for various purposes, so you should include how your character dealt with such occurrences. You can also, of course, make your character currently weak, but have the potential to become very powerful.[/quote] I added this to the Biography section of the character sheet, so some of you guys may want to edit your biographies accordingly. Based on the people who have replied to the thread so far, not counting the hosting team, we have about five players. While that [i]should[/i] be enough to get the game going at a decent speed, I encourage you guys to each try to think of some other characters you can make. These characters can be more minor, as said in the opening thread, and less detailed than your "major" characters, but it's still better to fill up the factions a bit more and have more interaction opportunities.