[center][img]http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/u457/Mt-Vesuvius-2015/Angel%20Vesuvius%20avvy_zps5tsr8ce0.jpg[/img] [color=8A2BE2][h2][i]Vesuvius[/i][/h2][/color][/center] [color=8A2BE2]Location: [/color]Casual interest check [color=8A2BE2]Time: [/color]apparently 4 hours after all hell broke loose [color=8A2BE2]Interacting With: [/color]Lucius [hr] A spot in the air above Guild city shimmered for a split second before a winged girl appeared and began to glide through the sky, her hair the color of molten lava flowing behind her as she flew to a balcony near the top floor of a building in Advanced. Landing gracefully on the wooden planks, she shifted a backpack off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor, leaving it there as she entered her apartment through the sliding glass door that connected it to the balcony. The apartment was small, but that didn't matter. She liked it that way, less space to let get cluttered with things she's kept from her adventures. Although she'd have to clean up at some point, right now the place was a mess of notebooks and papers on the tables, and random blankets, pillows, and clothing on the floor. About the only "organized" space in the place was the kitchen, and even here dirty plates and dishes piled up in the sink from her attempts to cook something other than pancakes for once. Speaking of which, she glanced at the clock in the room and turned on her radio to catch whatever news there was, and perhaps the date. She wasn't ever really sure [i]when[/i] she was returning to when she came back from another dimension. A sigh of relief escaped her as she found she'd only been gone for about 7 hours, and opened the oven to check the roast she'd put in before she'd left. It smelled... ok? She really should stop going places when she's cooking things. She'd burned enough meals to know that, but, waiting around for things to cook was boring after the first half hour. She pulled the roast out and started putting it in a plastic tub to put in the fridge for later, but stopped suddenly as she actually heard what was being said on the radio. The city was under attack. People were in real danger. This is what she gets for dimension-hopping. Robot armageddon. With a wave of her hand the food disappeared, it probably wasn't any good anyway. She turned everything off and rushed back out onto the balcony, grabbing her sword out of the backpack she'd dropped there earlier before taking off. She had a real door in her apartment, but this was always faster. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she wanted to help. She closed her eyes as she flew, trusting her instincts to lead her where she would be the most useful. She waited until the sound of fighting surrounded her before opening her eyes. She was hovering a few feet above a bridge where two -no, three- people were fighting against a group of bots. A girl wielding a living sword, a part of another person who was currently under the bridge itself doing, something; and a man who gave the vibe that he was already getting sick of this situation. A haphazard team, if that. Unsure of who to talk to first -the ones on top of the bridge [i]did[/i] seem a little busy at the moment- She decided that introductions were best made when you weren't in the direct line of fire from a giant robot. She flew over the railing and came up underneath the bridge, adjusting to the falling specks of dirt and dust being shaken loose from the fight happening above as she made her way over to the third person. Now that she could actually see the person, she couldn't help getting a feeling of Deja Vu. Not that she recognised this skeleton, but... He reminded her of someone she could swear she knew at one point or another. [color=8A2BE2]"Hello!"[/color] She said cheerfully once she was close enough for him to her her. No matter the situation, a Smile was always welcome. [color=8A2BE2]"My name's Vesuvius. Any way I can help here at all?"[/color]