A raven-haired angel, having fallen out of heaven’s graces, descended upon the pitiful world. His countenance was one of elegance and generousity; his eyelashes as long as a girl’s. Silky strands of midnight caressed his face, and the branches of bondage refused to free him. A natural crucifixion, for a being too sinfully beautiful to remain within the Garden of Eden, and yet, too divinely irresistible to remain unfettered in this unhallowed landscape. Truly, an extreme punishment for a nerd who just tried to get as much gaming time in before the server maintenance booted his tight, cute ass out. Opening his eyes to blue skies and grassy plains, Jaeger felt an odd stickiness upon his head. It was lukewarm and viscous, and as he moved to touch it, the branches rustled below. He paused, looked around properly, and sighed. He definitely didn’t remember being here, nor did he remember feeling so…weak. With a total of one month’s time playing in Sword Fart Online, Jaeger was accustom to being a badass warrior, superhumanly strong and fast, but now? He almost felt like a normal human! What was go- His Inventory was empty. All the equipment that his beloved Schwertleite passed down to him…gone. All the crafting materials that he hoarded because he had no idea what to do with them…gone. Even that one leg of virtual turkey he was saving for tomorrow…gone! Then what about… He turned around violently, the branches rattling beneath him. Night blue eyes frantically flickered about, searching for the rest of his party, before, finally, they melted. Ah, whether in reality or in virtual reality, Schwertleite’s sleeping face was so cute~ [i]Crack[/i] And just like that, the fallen angel fell from another type of heaven, plummeting twenty feet onto the less desireable blond German player: Nein.