[hider=Nathan James Hunter] [center][h2][Color=DodgerBlue]Nathan James Hunter[/color][/h2][hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/18/35/3a/18353a5be397f15f1eb8f2be6146d82a.jpg[/img][hr][hr][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Nathan James Hunter [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Place of Birth: [/b] [indent]Originally from Los Angeles, Nathan has been all over the world. He goes wherever the security firm he works for sends him and he is currently in Buckhead, working as a bodyguard for a wealthy client.[/indent] [b]Sexuality: [/b] [indent]Nate identifies as heterosexual but he's not entirely against the idea of being in a relationship with a man. He just hasn't found one he's interested in that way.[/indent] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] [indent]Single but there's no shortage of women in his life. He's just not one for committed relationships.[/indent] [b]Occupation: [/b] [indent]Bodyguard.[/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [indent]Self Duplication – Nate can make exact physical copies of himself. These duplicates are aware that they're not real but retain a certain amount of autonomy. They are compelled to follow orders from the original but how they go about this is entirely up to them. Duplicates generally think, act and feel exactly like the original but occasionally one will display a different personality. This is rare however. There's no hive mind between Nate and the duplicates but, when they are reabsorbed, he gains all of their memories and knowledge learned since their creation. Nate can comfortably make up to ten duplicates (although usually only creates three or four) but is capable of making far more. The problem is that after around ten, the duplicates become progressively less intelligent, less reliable and potentially even dangerous. Each duplicate is capable of making another duplicate but the rule of ten still applies. Any more than ten duplicates in the world, regardless of who created them, and they become gradually less intelligent. If a duplicate is ever knocked unconscious or killed, they aren't immediately reabsorbed into the original. Nate has to be within a certain distance to call back his duplicates and the further they travel away, the weaker their empathic connection with the original becomes.[/indent] [b]Cost of powers use:[/b] [indent]The cost of Nate's powers comes in the form of his slow but gradual decent into insanity. Nate will eventually become less stable as a result of splitting his mind over and over again. Nate redefines split-personality and it's not entirely impossible that one of those rare but distinctive other personalities may take hold of the original.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/2152f9c685ec7f6e90b7b7fddfafc39b/tumblr_inline_mful273RaZ1rcmp42.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]With blonde hair, green eyes and a flawless complexion, Nate is a very good looking young man. He stands at about 6ft tall with a body that has been toned by years of military training. His hair is light and when not cropped close to his head, a rare occurrence, it tends to form loose curls. Nate is always clean shaven and well presented. His style of dress tends to be smart casual when not working but when he is working, he usually sports a suit.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Strength and Athleticism - With years of military training, Nate is a very physically capable individual. He is well conditioned and able to run, jump, climb etc. far better than a civilian. He can fight with the best of them and is trained in a number of different styles. [*]Mechanics and hacking – Nate has always had an affinity for machines in whatever form they take. He's hardly the most intelligent person ever but he can repair an engine and break into a someone's computer with surprising ease. [*]Battlefield medicine – Nate comes from an entire family of doctors so he's learned a thing or two. He put this knowledge to good use in the military where he was a trained field medic. He's no doctor but he knows how to stitch up a wound. [*] Piloting - A skill he learned while seeking thrills. He's probably not the safest pilot but he hasn't crashed a plane...yet.[/list] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Nate, at first glance, seems like the average jock. He can come across as obnoxious and loud. He's not afraid to say what's on his mind and frequently does just that to the point of being rude. But he is surprisingly intelligent and tends to plot and plan just about everything unless he's in the thick of the action in which case he generally goes with his gut. Actually thinking under pressure is not something he does. He just reacts unless he has time to stand back and take things in. He has an alarming tendency to find dangerous situations and he couldn't be more thrilled about that. Nate lives for excitement and adventure and if it doesn't come his way, he'll actively go out and find it. There is generally always a smile (or at least a smirk) plastered on Nate's face, even if he's feeling terrible inside. He's a joker and always has some smart ass comment about everything. Despite his tendency to be an ass, Nate can also be a very caring person to those he considers a friend or, to a lesser extent, those he sees as just generally good people. He doesn't meet a lot of those people though.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Nathan lived a pretty normal and predictable early life. High school football star, homecoming king, relatively decent grades. But then he joined the military and normal and predictable went out the window. His mother, father, brother and sister were all doctors and everyone expected Nathan to follow in their footsteps. Nathan had other ideas. He wanted action and excitement. He got plenty of that. After basic training, Nate found his way into a special operations team where he was the youngest member but he quickly earned a reputation as a capable and talented operative. Nate was sent to multiple parts of the world. Iraq, Afghanistan, Detroit, Somalia. It seemed like everywhere their was danger, Nathan James Hunter would show up. And he loved every minute of it. The excitement, the danger. Living by the skin of your teeth. Nate loved it and then he [REDACTED] and was drummed out of the military. It was all over. The excitement, the adventure, the foreign women with the massive bazongas. It was all gone. And Nate was lost. What was he supposed to do now? All that training and living life on the edge. And now there was none of it. Nate spent some time travelling on his own, seeking out adventure. He learned how to fly a plane and how to fall out of that plane without dying. He used his considerable fighting skills as a professional fighter. He even tried his hand at bounty hunting for a time until he fell into his current profession of bodyguard. He literally fell into it. But that's a story for another time. Joining a security firm, Nate found himself being hired out to various clients to protect them. It was a line of work he proved talented at and he stuck with it longer than anything since leaving the military. Some of the gigs can be boring and there's a lot of charity functions like the one he currently finds himself attending in Buckhead but people don't generally hire bodyguards unless there's at least some threat of danger. And if Nate's around, that danger will probably find him. He wouldn't have it any other way.[/indent][hr][hr][center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/10fac0e56c42404f6f96ee93b5f49eae/tumblr_inline_n0pcfbhcAt1rodmj1.gif[/img][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/fb51ddb2df42aa49451b27a50db734ee/tumblr_inline_mrqx1eDALo1qz4rgp.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2d4783fc0044ad87e6281995ff2c4b3c/tumblr_inline_n0pchypI6T1rodmj1.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [/hider]