My opinions. I've not yet decided what to vote for. We'll see. [hider=Season Saga]... Yeah. It's that. It's nice. Yeah. Haha. “Yare, yare” felt really strange here, it felt unsuitable even if I understand what it means. … That's about it.[/hider] [hider=Rising Embers]So, I can't read the dark red text without highlighting it. I can read the dark-grey, but it is straining. Am I supposed to be able to read that without trouble? In any case. Let's actually read the entry. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't get it. I'm not really in a mood to get it. Maybe I'm in the wrong mood to read entries when I don't feel like doing any work myself. Well, suppose that disqualifies me from critiquing this. Haha.[/hider] [hider=Love isn't Love]Then, what is love? … Nevermind. XD Oooh, I'm weak to sweetness. Alright, that was a sweet read. Rebirth of love, eh. Yeah, that is sweeeeeeeeeet. I'm getting diabetes. … Nah, I'm kidding. In any case. The little conflict they had in the middle of the thing was probably natural, but it disturbed me somehow as I didn't entirely understand. They seemed like they totally belonged together and knew it, when suddenly they had to tear off from one another because of a totally wonderful suggestion? I'm confused. Oh, well. Sweet as heck, anyways. It was a nice little purely sweet thing. Thanks for the read. Well done keeping the atmosphere. It was somewhat cheesy, but heck, cheese is delicious. Haha.[/hider] [hider=The Winter's Rose and The Wolven Song]I feel like I missed a part of the story. Like, why did he really need to die? Sure, because only he could that and that. But why could only he do that? Huh. The end of the battle happened pretty quickly, too, and I'm not sure I understood why. Sure, super-special-weapon and such, but WHY, though? Am I simply not supposed to know? Haha. Gosh. In any case. Quite the epic tale you're telling here, otherwise. Nicely done.[/hider] [hider=Leo's Snow Day]What is that ingredient, anyways? What's that little extra that makes a tragedy something you would cry over? There's obviously something. Just a death does not cause someone to cry. There has to be something around it. This entry clearly has it. It's that part about him suddenly turning into a young puppy, exploring loved places, cuddling before leaving into the snow-storm. Why does that make the story so much more amazing? I don't understand sadness, damn it. The fact that it happened should be sadder than the way it was presented, damn it. XD When I read the hider, I was like “C'mon, no way”. Well, you did that. So, well done. How does one do that? I probably should do some research into the matter. Heh.[/hider] [hider=Tomorrow/Today]... Yupp. I know this message. But reading an entry on the internet is not going to magically make it happen. XD Any case. It read OK to me. If you want deeper critique than that, do not turn to me. Haha.[/hider] [hider=I was not always a frog]Clever. I like it. It didn't really have much of a story, but it kept me entertained with mere rambling. I found this quite interesting. I was engaged all the way to the end. I quite like it. Haha. Nicely done. You perfectly pulled off writing the rambling of a frog that wasn't always a frog, which is a subject that's hard to imagine exists. Well, it does now. And you perfected it. XD Yupp. Very nicely written. I really like this. Haha.[/hider] [hider=Ancient Ruins]... Well. I'm afraid to say I lost interest in the story the moment he bit her neck. Why, a mission of exploration is pretty interesting, seeing what one might find in the depths of the world. But, um. Don't just suddenly spring “VAMPIRE” on us. Such a sudden change of genre is downright jarring. Genre-shifts can be done, but they probably should be done one step at a time. I was rather uninterested at everything after we lost the former main character. Had she turned into an interesting vampire, maybe it would have been more interesting, but nope, she's a slave as any other child of his. The story's fine, really. Just didn't suit me. Oh, well. It is quite nicely written. Haha.[/hider] [hider=The God in the Cave]... I really, REALLY miss a description of her mind and emotional state in the final conversation of the entry. I feel it is missing there. Because, without it I can only assume they had one extremely emotionless conversation. I wanted to know what exact thoughts went through her mind when she made this life-changing decision. I was invested enough to want that, damn it. With it, I would have felt this was a clear above-average entry that I felt proud over the writer for having written. But, without it, I'm left with as much of a blank as the descriptions outside their spoken words at the end there. Which really, REALLY annoys me. Haha. But, given that I can go on such a long rant about it, well done! For a typical ”don't deal with illegal miracles” story, this had me rather interested. Both the duke and his wife were pretty amusing, and the fact I knew what was going to happen actually HELPED keeping my interest in the piece, amusingly enough. When what will happen is obvious, it actually makes a better story when we actually have already been told what's going to happen, huh? I got to remember that technique. Nicely written, and well done![/hider]