[center][h3]Last time on[/h3][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center][quote=@Blue Demon]"[color=7ea7d8]What does that mean?[/color]" Steve asked the two. The sinking feeling in his gut told him it wasn't good. But he needed cold hard facts. "Well, with the computer fried we can't see what he looked at, but we know that he had all access to everything. All the Leaguer's personal information. All of Lex Corp's secure files. Everything."[/quote] [right]Justice League HQ; Now[/right] Steve wiped a hand over his face. His right ear was a little sore from the earbud Natasha had given him. Just because he was a super soldier didn't mean he too didn't feel discomfort. Though to be fair under most normal circumstances it wouldn't have bothered him. Except for he couldn't remember the last time he slept. And no, being concussions for a night didn't count either. Steve had just wanted to fall off the grid with Natasha. But he [b]couldn't[/b]. Not with most everyone out of the HQ doing whatever. Only Zatanna was still around and that was probably because she was on Cap sitting duty. Steve resisted the impulse to pinch his nose. Once Natasha had dropped the bomb (metaphorically) about what the Chameleon could haven taken, she had left. Left Steve with the ear piece and a promise that she'd track him down a lead. And here it was, nearly morning and soon Lex would be here and Steve... And Steve would have to tell Lex how badly he had screwed up. Steve sighed and did pinch the bridge of his nose. Sometimes Steve wished for the simplicity of the war back. While it had been horrendous on so many levels, it had been black and white too. There were the good guys and the bad guys. And all he had to do was tear Hydra apart piece by piece. But this The future? It was messy and complicated and so alien. Steve stood up, grabbed his shield and headed to the weight room. He really needed to punch something.