Hannibal gnawed on the end of her Cuban cigar. It was the last one of the batch. She had been hoarding them with dedication before her team had been thrown into jail on trumped up charges. After she had sprung her three team members from the military prison she had made a side trip to her stash. Hannibal was just like her father in that respect. They could smoke and drink anyone under the table without a care for their lungs or livers. And like her father it'd probably be cancer rather than a bullet that'd do her in despite her new life style. Her old man would be so proud in his own disapproving way. Hannibal looked over the survey maps again. The ink lines swam as she let her eyes unfocus. Hannibal hadn't been to Africa with her military career. She had mainly stayed stateside or in the middle east. Sure there was the occasional deployment to Asia or the Oceania area. But that was the extent. If Hannibal was being honest with herself she was never much for the world adventuring allure. She was more than happy with boots on the ground and a rifle in hand. If that was in a jungle or in a desert, well, she really didn't care. Being a mercenary wasn't something she had thought about either. As a young girl she knew she'd be career military. Retirement wasn't something she ever thought about. Frankly she never thought she'd make it that far. So when she had started calling in her chips (inventively because she was going it in a military prison) the idea had blind sided her. Donaldson knew a guy who worked for a non-profit in Africa. His friend was building schools, getting the locals access to clean water and medicine, the whole nine yards. A real boy scout. Anyways Donaldson told Hannibal he'd help her because he owed her. But. Hannibal shifted her cigar to the other side of her mouth. If it was lit it would have been better. It was bothering her that she wasn't smoking. Donaldson asked Hannibal for another favor. He said no strings attached. After all there was the debt. But he also said if she did this he'd still be indebted to her. Hannibal sighed causing Face to glare at her over the top of the warn paperback. He had found it stashed in one of the seats. Being free suited Face. He looked much more like the young man he was. "[color=B6B6B4]Christsakes Hannibal. Just light the damned thing.[/color]" Face said exasperated. "[color=B6B6B4]I'll happily die of lung cancer if I don't have to listen to you complain.[/color]" Hannibal leveled a glare at the lieutenant. Brenner was never happy unless there was something to complain about. Like Hannibal. First it was all [i]don't smoke Hannibal[/i] now it was [i]why aren't you smoking Hannibal[/i]. And she was [i]not[/i] complaining. "[color=808000]Just buckle in LT. We're almost there.[/color]" The Hannibal looked pointedly out the window. The continent of Africa was now in view and growing. They'd have to ditch the plane, find themselves a truck and head to the village. The plane was far too easily traceable for the US military. They couldn't park it anywhere near their final destination. And if they laid a few false trails they could throw the military off their trail for a while. After all, what cause did Hannibal and her team have to go to Africa other than to use it as a diversion while they scurried off to another hidey-hole. Or that was what she wanted the military to think. "[color=B6B6B4]Great.[/color]" Face grumbled. "[color=B6B6B4]You know I never got shot in jail. I had access to clean water and clothes. And did I mention that no one shot at me?[/color]" The man continued his complaining as he gathered up his few scant belongings and went back to check on B.A. Hannibal smiled around her cigar. He was a good kid. Hannibal looked back down at the topographical map and tapped her finger on the village. Warlords using children as their army wasn't something she could let pass. She didn't like the idea of putting their innocence on hold but she liked the idea of children soldiers less.