[@IronWill] here is my character, don't know if you want CS' in char section or not before you see it. [hider=Magic User] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/4c/25/374c2501e841656769e37a5d46321423.jpg[/img] -Name: Charles (no last name known) -Age: Appears 23 -Race and a brief description; -DragonBorn - A human with the blood of a dragon, this puts the very life essence of magic into their bodies. they are naturally stronger, and faster than a human though keep the human appearance until they can learn how to use their dragon blood and make semi-transformations. they tend to age extremely slowly compared to humans, by age 10 they have already lived over 3 human life times. -Powers or skills; -Adaptive Magic - The ability to learn any and all magic along with creating new ones, even able to alter some magic abilities should he know enough inner workings of magic. (does not mean his all magical knowledge off the bat) -Alchemy - ability to create potions and other objects though special means, usually only used to create potions from various herbs. -Dragonic transformation - should he reach a certain understanding of dragons, he can begin transforming parts of his bodies into dragon like appearances, the final part being able to turn into a humanoid dragon. [hider=Wizard Home][img]http://jadedsketch.com/portgame_files/vlb_images0/wizardtower.jpg[/img] (hard to find a not insane wizard tower homes)[/hider] -Bussines/job: Local Alchemist and Scholar - he created potions of various remedies for those of the town when they come to him, for only simple offerings never taking money. He is known as the scholar because of his giant collection of books and tomes in his home. -Important items: A Storing Tome. a special book that turns items and beasts under his control into special Cards that he can use to call them forth as-long as their stored in the book before hand, normally bound to him by special chains and the book is able to change size for convenience. -Hobbies: Reading various books both about magic and not, practicing magic in special areas, and studying things from plants, to beasts, to ancient ruins. -More info: Once being an important figure in a kingdom long ago, he was trusted as the court wizard and given various things for his services. Until they found out the reason for his talent in magic and started to seek to kill him he was still only 12 years old at the time. His only desire is to study and learn everything about the world. After being drove out he found the isolated place where his home stands now, using his magic to build it and create a reasonable place he can call home. [/hider]