"Well, I guess orders are orders, even if they change," Blade laughed as he drew his sword, holding it in an awkward looking and unorthodox grip. He supposed his best odds involved picking off outliers that wouldn't be swinging weapons at him. Still, at the same time, he wasn't interested in killing people who couldn't fight back. 'They're focused on our captain... I'm confident he can handle himself with the princess and the nutjob there...' Of course, there were also orders given as to who to go after. 'Not really too keen on putting myself to the axe that quickly...' He thought, noticing the rather dangerous looking men who he'd been tasked with intercepting. "Well, good luck, flylady," Blade said to Brynhild. "Don't get killed, yea?" He asked, before blinking. "Actually, before you go..." He smirked.