Carmen was thankful that the woman dropped the weapon. She wasn't ready to deal with a wound or a risk of infection. It'd eat through her meager field aid kit, which could probably only handle one bandaging. There used to be so much, but with the rioting happening within the quarantine city, production had slowed down while the guards sought order. On some occasions, lethal force was authorized. The faces of every person her baton fell upon still stuck with her. Unlike the undead, those injuries or kills never went away. She just got better at ignoring them - largely unsuccessful. Making sure the doors were closed, Carmen studied her surroundings. The other survivor had moved towards the back as she moved that way as well. Surprisingly, the place wasn't full of walkers. Normally, she'd walk in, and several would be gunning for her almost immediately. Of course, her blunt weapon was more than enough to put them down, but there had been far too many close calls. A single walker was easy. Three or more proved more difficult. Carmen walked into the employee room as she turned to stare at the woman. She was blonde, dirty, and looked frightened as if Carmen were the cat and she was the mouse. Closing the door as quietly as possible, Carmen slung the pack off her back and set it in a corner. The guard sighed in relief as the weight was off her shoulders. Her heart still hammered maddeningly fast as she removed her mask and goggles. Removing the wood, her matte of black hair fell forward as her face shone with sweat. Her right hiking boot had come lose. She'd tend to that later. Her sparkling violet eyes observed the blonde. "I'm not going to do anything to you," she said finally. Her heart beat - though still pounding in her ears - had begun to slow. "I wasn't expecting anyone - a survivor - to be out here." Walking to the couch, she plopped down as she removed her vest and upper half of her blue fatigues to reveal a black tank top. She looked at the slightly collapsed roof as the echoes of the hunters belted through the air. She kept her weapon close incase it was needed. "Traveling alone isn't always the safest thing you know?" Carmen said. She wondered how the others were doing. If Jeff and Patrick had gotten away. She rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, "See Jeff, told you this was a shit idea."