[img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/c5/3c/cdc53c0d6b899a68f6d8fb697072ec96.jpg [/img] -Name: William Felclaw -Age: 16 -Race and a brief description: Human Dracomancer (Mages/Druids that specialize in dragon magic, usually via being contracted with a dragon spirit) [hider=Powers, Skills] [hider=Dragon Traits] Dracomancers often obtain dragon qualities such as increased strength, endurance, vitality. Other traits related to dragons William possesses are Glowing eyes, Elongated lifespan (Some dracomancers have been able to increase their qualities to a point where they can even attain eternal longevity.), resistance to diseases and other pathogens, immunity to fire/unable to burn, and the innate knowledge of Draconics (language of dragon, which helps Dracomancers communicate with dragons or cast certain dragon spells). [/hider] [hider=Dragon Transmutation] Changing or gaining body parts related to that of a dragon, which can vary between changing skin to scales, turning hands into claws or making them additional dragon heads, growing wings, etc. Can also be used to transform into a true dragon. [/hider] [hider=Dragon Fire] Druid magic that replicates the fire of dragons, the flames can only be produced from his body, so unlike the rest of his magic he cannot use his staff to cast or boost the effectiveness of it. Examples of its uses are creating fire tendrils, breathing flames, igniting his body on fire, or throwing a fire ball. [/hider] [hider=Soul Attunement] Druid magic that connects with the spirits of the dead, for Dracomancers they can call upon the spirits of dead dragons to their aid, usually the spirit that the user contracted with, however other spirits may also come to his aid if they hear his call and decide to obey him. The spirits can be used for multiple purposes, a tendril-like attack of a dragon serpent, creating ghost fire (ghostly magic that mimics the properties of fire, becoming a passive aura like form to protect the caster, and so fourth. Dragon spirits can also be summoned for longer periods to assist the caster at the cost of greater magic. Dragon spirits will resemble their once living state once summoned, except they are translucent and usually white (though some may have some other color like black or green instead), most of there former abilities are replicated by spiritual magic. Individual spirits may watch over certain dracomancers and readily assist him to his call, William has three spirits in addition the dragon he is contracted with. However the most advanced druids can temporarily revive their spirits, which grounds them to the reality of the living and puts them in the prime of their power, William has yet to be able to do this. [/hider] [hider=Invocation spells] Dragon Invocations: Druid magic that can perform various dragon related spells, currently William knows several; -Scalelord Trample- emits great force on physical contact, such as a stomp to the ground or heavy punch. This spell is strong enough to shatter a house-sized boulder, and can be used as a buff for physical combat or create tremors. -Hellkite Burst- Creates an AOE Burst of strong, burning winds, great wind force combined with intense firey heat. Effective when given self wings -crimson horn- A mixture of firey energy and dragon-related druid magic encases the user in a translucent, shell like aura of magic shaped like a crescent horn, which can be redirected and extended, acting as a giant blade with the strength to crack iron in addition to its intense heat. -Wyrm Bolt- Electricity in the form of a bolt-shaped serpentine dragon, slow charge up time but has incredible long distance range, and having very destructive results. The fast moving, massive projectile can chase targets as well. (more may be learned.) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Home] [img]http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/merchant_tent3.png[/img] Doesn't own a house, but has a merchant tent that he often sleeps in, in addition to where he sells his wares. [/hider] -Bussines/job: Merchant (sells rare items, treasures, artifacts, and whatever else he discovers in his travels, in addition to making magic staffs and talismans for other magic users.) -Important items: [hider=Staff] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/1f/67/721f67ad33e73c6381215ecf8fdd55d2.jpg[/img] A staff handed down from generations of dracomancers, it helps him cast most of his dragon spells. While his powers can be casted without the aid of a staff, the staff reduces the mana cost of his spells, and can boost their effectiveness, aside from his transformation and fire magics, which can only be casted by his own ability. Spirit calling his also easier, and can be used to telepathically communicate with his spirits which makes giving them commands instant and easy. However unlike the rest of his spirits, his contracted spirit resides within the staff in dormancy. [/hider] -Hobbies: Travelling, Exploring, Dungeon Crawling, Meditating, Researching/talking about/learning about dragons, gold and gems, artifacts and other archaeological items. -More info: Ever since William moved to the town, at 10 years old, he has spoken little. He has been alone and his lack of communication with most make it impossible to find out who he really is or where he came from, other then the basic information of what he is. He often leaves town for some sort of task, such as treasure hunting or simply meditating, or perhaps finding the rare chance of a wild dragon. His travels lead him to finding many valuables and artifacts, which he collects and returns them to his store to sell. Despite his anti social behavior he is popular in town for his strange wares he has to sell as well his hand-made staffs, staves, and other simple magical equipments to help out both rookie and experienced magic users that need such crafts. The spirit that he is contracted with is named Kilgarrah.