[h1][color=lavender]Colette, Khan's Office[/color][/h1] Colette closed the door behind her, not taking her eyes off her best friend as she found a seat nearby. [color=lavender]"The mission just ended I think"[/color] she gave a light shudder at mentioning what just happened. She felt a little guilty for going against her own teacher, but she couldn't bring herself to regret her actions. She looked at Annabeth as she spoke again. Colette took noticed of the girl that was near Annabeth and didn't recognize her. She nodded. [color=lavender]"Um ok then"[/color] Colette said. She watched as Annabeth handed the girl off to a guy she didn't notice that was in the room and she felt a little guilty for not seeing him, she had a lot of things on her mind and all she could focus on was Annabeth the moment she walked into the office. She sat back trying to get comfortable, but she was finding it extremely hard to as her thoughts went back to the mission. She closed her eyes and tried to get her mind out of it, but this was something that she always suffered these thoughts if her other half, the ugly, darker part of her came out of her cage even a little bit, until she talked to someone to talk to. Months ago she probably would have believed she could trust no one, but she had Lucilia, Khan, and even Keri to talk to. She looked towards the guy that was currently holding the girl, Lyn as Annabeth called her, and let her eyes wander his form. She didn't have a hint of disdain or mistrust in her eyes as she checked him over. [color=lavender]"So Rathel right?"[/color] Colette said shyly, not knowing how to start a conversation with someone she didn't know. She had to find time to work on her social skins. Perhaps if she saw Keri again or even Annabeth she could try. [color=lavender]"So what type of demon are you, if you don;t mind me asking."[/color] She felt fur brush her leg and saw her newest demon, Atticus, had entered the office without her noticing and had laid down against her legs. On top of his back was Hyllos, who was still unconscious and much to Colette's relief didn't look too injured from the fighting. She turned her head as she heard footsteps approaching the office and she turned her head slowly as the door opened.