[@SleepingSilence] [color=bdbdbd]There's something I really like about a song and it's lyrics when they express sex the way she has. Not a whole lot of sugar coating just "I want to FUCK you" cause yeah I want to fuck you too. Lesss go. I like it. Caters to that side of everyone that we like to keep tucked away. Strong female vocals. They're not the best I've ever heard but they're good enough to carry their own. The rhythm is simple but it didn't need to be complex to make the song interesting. The start though caught my interest enough to hold it. The video too was enjoyable to watch. Not only for the sexual tension on display but the interesting way they portrayed the other person in the scene and the transition on the television from children's television shows to a picture for mature audiences only. Kind of an interesting take on innocence lost and such. (Not entirely sure I know what I'm talking about). [color=dba901][b]8/10[/b][/color] Made it on my playlist but juuuuust barely. It's on there. I'll listen to it again and then let it replay whenever the shuffle goddess decides to bring Meg Myers back into my life. On a side note, she has a vague resemblance to [url=https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=rachel+weisz]Rachel Weisz[/url] (kind of?)[/color] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHI0tpJowYA[/youtube][/center]