[@olcharlieboi] [color=ed1c24]"I mean... ah you know what? Nevermind."[/color] He said with a smile, finding the whole topic to actually be a little depressing. [color=ed1c24]"What did you want to become if you didn't have powers? Always wanted to become a scientist."[/color] He said, the smile on his face becoming more and more genuine. He then fiddled more with the machine to find out which switch does which. [color=ed1c24]"Napped after we fought. Sorry."[/color] He admitted. He nodded off back then because he went running when he woke up earlier than the others. Got tired after that. [color=ed1c24]"Same thing actually. If you manipulate their thoughts, you affect what they think they should do. That's a pretty powerful thing."[/color] It was a scary thought to actually be speaking with someone with a power like that, even worse since he doesn't know how to control it. But he was sure that nothing was going wrong yet. [color=ed1c24]"I'd focus on getting that under control first before your physical training."[/color]