Grail cursed as her attack missed. "Bastard! Why do you keep running? What scared of fighting a sayain woman?!" She asked, looking areound for the guy, but then she froze hearing a scream. It was one she knew well. "Mom...." She froze eeing the robot grab her. "Dont you hurt her!!" She screamed at the robot. Grail struggled, but froze as the force of the robot knocked her out. Mizune froze taking in the shock at the sight. " bastard!" She screamed out, her power level rising far. The lookout building shook. Her eyes were blank white. Frost was heading back to his ship, but froze sensing a large power. "W-what....what power is?" Frost growled, making a tight fist. Slamming it to the large boulder. "Dammit! Im lord Frost. Ruler of the Frost Demon Empire! I cant let my power be beaten by this trash!"