[quote=@Rirrii] So, no Block User feature? Or Ignore User? [/quote] [quote=@Shienvien] Block user in the sense of "user can no longer send PMs or leave VMs to me" - yes. Hiding all posts by said user - preferably not, that leads to some threads being horrible mangled messes (just imagine you two accidentally joining the same RP...). If someone is being disruptive on public forums, mods. On another note - did this new forum ever have e-mail notifications? It appears some people in a RP I'm in appear to be missing those, which occasionally leads to some goose-hunts. [/quote] I'm pretty sure everything is answered in Shienvien's post. Blocking and ignoring users on a "collaborative writing" site seems to be something that would start a whole world of problems. With only 9 posts in 5 days, why would you need to block someone this early on anyways. If you have a problem with a troublesome member, let the mods know. I'm sure they can help. :)