Appearance: [img][/img][img][/img] Name: Damien Howards Age: 18 Power/mutation: Electrokinesis- The power to manipulate the power of lightning. He can also supercharge himself to reach impressive inhuman speeds and hit a bit harder too. Bio: Damien seems to have a rather happy personality to everyone else. He wasn't caught out unaware, and had an inkling he was going to get found out anyway. Damien had a reputation for finding old buildings, hooking up neon signs he found to create wonderful light shows for the underground community. A strong believer of the people, he found joy in bringing art to the streets. Through graffiti, music or lights, Damien would use his parkour techniques to get from town to town that needed a little pick me up. It wasn't a living, but it's not like he was going to get caught taking things people didn't want. Until... well, he actually got caught, and brought to the place where all people like him are. The one thing he hates is being cooped up in this place until he was needed. Hopefully his requests for spray paint cans would get granted so he wouldn't get totally bored. Theme song: [youtube][/youtube] All good?