Something was in the air. Tajjus almost stopped in his trekking, as he felt [i]it.[/i] There was a familiar smell drifting through the winds, something coming from the south that smelled like--home. Tajjus shook the feeling, as he knew he was miles away from his beautiful desert. He continued striding wordlessly, focusing his energies on keeping up with the Dwarves. Then there was a screech that echoed through the air, a distant screech, one of defiance, one of longing. It was very audible, it was evident though that the sound was carried from over several miles away, a distant yet distinct screech. Tajjus clawed through his memories, he knew that screech. He knew it well enough to know that some creature was coming, and that some thing was on a scent. It was a predator's call, a call of warning to smaller creatures. Yet to Tajjus, it was a call that reminded him once more of the vast sands in his desert. He shook his head, resuming following the company. -- [i]That so? Well, so you could thought of as the conduit of our thought conversations then, eh? [/i] Kili replied. This was going to be interesting. He wondered if he could actually use this link to gaze into Saeril's thoughts or memories. The curiosity itched at him, and he couldn't help but endeavor to probe, out of genuine curiosity trying to find a memory from hers of her watching him as a small boy. He was no professional, so perhaps Saeril would notice his little effort. ((I can't bring myself to play Throrin as of now. I tried to get into the character, but I don't feel like that is exactly working just yet. I'll keep trying though.))