[@wolverbells][@Belle] Link watches as a turtle is wounded. He was tempted to try to do something, but without any magic abilities what could he do.he stays where he is as the mermaid heals the turtle. Link feels enchanted by that voice, it was beautiful. Then, he heard the new man. His head snaps up as he opens his mouth to shout out warning, but it was too late. The mermaid saw them in time to swim off faster then any other being he has witnessed. He tries to conceal himself more as she heads his way, but fails as is evident by the scream of terror and the swimming. For some reason his first instinct had him following her. He wasn't nearly as fast, but he is faster then his kin. His long tail going left to right instead of front to back allowing for a more fish like motion and giving him that slight increase in speed. He doesn't see her, but he hears her calling to someone. He pushes himself a bit to get into aight range of not one but two mermaids...and a dolphin. He stops and puts his hands up, showing he isn't harmed nor does he intend to harm. He really hopes they don't scream...that sound was loud and rather painful.