[Center] [h1]New Miraculous: Stories from the New World[/h1] [b]Everyone knows the stories of the Miraculous Stones. The flashy suits, the mysterious masks, the incredible powers. Power that can be used for good, or for evil. There have been many heroes over the centuries to use the Miraculous Stones, the french heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir only being the most recent. But what many don't know is that there exists a second set of Miraculous Stones, one for the New World. One that has just resurfaced in Washington D.C., the capital of the United States. And as a sinister villain arises, it's time for a new generation of heroes to emerge. He calls himself Vesper. And he's not here to be your friend. What he wants, who he is, where he came from, no one knows. A cunning tactician hiding in the darkness, Vesper possesses a Miraculous Stone himself, one with abilities similar to Hawkmoth. Using the power of Discord, Vesper exerts his influence on people who are angry, who are hurt, and who have darkness in their hearts. Taking advantage of their negative emotions, he can transform a confused, lost, angry soul into a vengeful monster, wreaking havoc upon others. And unlike Hawkmoth's akuma, these monsters can only be purified when the darkness in their hearts has been eradicated. With no magic yo-yo's to make everyone feel better, the new heroes must work as a team, not only to better their powers, but to better themselves. Because for once, these are villains who cannot be defeated solely with brute force or sly wit. There are still innocent people trapped within the monsters, who can only be set free when their hearts are free from anger and hatred. Do your heroes have what it takes to defeat Vesper? Or will darkness and chaos reign supreme? [/b][/center] [hr] [b][u]Some very important things to know![/u][/b] [list] [*] This RP will be a spin off of Miraculous Ladybug, and will have OC's only. You may mention the other superheroes, but no cannon characters will make appearances. [*] This RP will be mid-high casual, with character development, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation being a must. There will be a 2,000 character minimum per post, with no maximum limit. If you don't think you can write put in 2,000 characters each post, then this RP is not for you. [*] As of writing, there are 5 spots open for players. @Fusby, @RokkuHoshi, and myself will be the GMs, so please treat us respectfully.[u] Note, this is not a first come, first served situation.[/u] Fusby, RokkuHoshi and I will go over the characters submitted, and will select the 5 best candidates from those who apply. Character personalities, biographies, powers, strengths, and weaknesses will be a huge factor in the selection process. We are looking for balanced characters who fit the happy atmosphere of the show. [*] This will not be a dark RP. I'm making this warning right off the bat. If your character backstory has material that would be inappropriate on the show, you will find it will be inappropriate here. Characters whose backstory involves excessive darkness such as murder, rape, disfiguration, brutality, gore, substance abuse, physical and sexual abuse, torture, insanity, imprisonment, orphanages, and cults will find their chances of acceptance to be extremely low. That does not mean your character has to be perpetually happy, or come from a perfect home. But there are better ways to make character conflict and development than using the easy-tragedy route. [*] Similarly, the Miraculous Stones are not all powerful. You can find a more detailed description of the powers and limiters of the stones in Suit Rules, but please do not make your character overly powerful, wise, and all-knowing. Particularly at the beginning, when characters are just receiving their Miraculouses. If we feel your character is too powerful, we will ask you to tone them down. [*] Romance between the characters is allowed. Depending on whether or not your GMs are shipper trash (I am), it may even be encouraged. However, let's keep things PG-13 in the thread. If you want to go further, please take it into PMs. [*] Each accepted player can have one main character, and various side and static characters. However, side characters cannot have powers, and cannot know the identity of the main character. (Unless you make a really, really convincing argument for it.) Players can choose to reveal their identities to each other if they wish, but you cannot go around and learn the identities of the other characters without their permission. Likewise, your Kwami will not tell you anything about the other characters, their identities, or their powers. Their little fairy lips are sealed. [/list] That is all for things you need to know! If you are new to the concept of Miraculous Ladybug, please read The Nutshell and Suit Rules. If you are familiar with Miraculous Ladybug, you should still read Suit Rules. There are goodies hidden inside of it, so don't think you can get away without reading it. [hider=The Nutshell] Alright, so you don't know anything about Miraculous Ladybug. Luckily for you, this RP is in a new city, on a new continent, with a new cast of characters and a new plot, so you'll catch on pretty quick. If you would like to, it is encouraged you watch Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, but if you're busy, hate tv, or just hate superheroes (wait, why are you here then?), then you can read this nutshell and get up to speed! [b][u]Q: What are Miraculous Stones? A:[/u][/b] [IMG]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/lady-bug/images/0/0c/Miraculouses_origins.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/240?cb=20160306015147[/IMG] The Miraculous Stones are magical charms that imbue the wearer with fantastical powers. The charm also comes with a small fairy called a Kwami. The Miraculous Stones are typically kept in the possession of the Guardian, or are lost throughout history. The Miraculous Stones are indestructible and take the form of various accessories. In order to transform into a superhero, the stones must be worn by the chosen hero at all time. If the user loses their Miraculous, then they will lose their powers until they have recovered their Miraculous again. [b][u]Q: What is a Kwami? A:[/u][/b] [IMG]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVyDKKigy0/hqdefault.jpg[/IMG] Kwami are the fairies that reside within the Miraculous Stones. Kwami are small, delicate, and can pass through solid objects at will. They are seemingly immortal, over 5,000 years old, and are passed down through history with their Miraculous. Kwami all have different personalities and can be helpful or troublesome. Tikki, the Ladybug Kwami, is very cheery, helpful, friendly, and wise, though she isn't above scolding her hero when they make a bad decision. Plagg, the Cat Kwami, on the other hand, is lazy, sarcastic, gluttonous, self-absorbed and aloof, and tends to get both himself and his hero into trouble. All Kwamis, however, want the best for their chosen heroes, and try to guide them down the path of good. Thus when someone uses their Miraculous for evil, it is without the willing aid of their Kwami. [b][u]Q: What is a Guardian? A: [/u][/b] [IMG]http://66.media.tumblr.com/4aedb1d7d7fbde2eee5005c1bd4c2397/tumblr_o3j4wcemBY1rz4ztyo8_400.gif[/IMG] A really, really old guy. Okay, more than that. The Guardian is the one in possession of the Miraculous Stones, and he selects the candidates for who the next miraculous holder will be. Kindness, bravery, selflessness, and compassion are all things that the Guardian looks for when choosing the next wielders of the Miraculous Stones, and if there's ever someone who doesn't fit that profile, it's likely that they either weren't given the Miraculous, or that they have since "grown out" of their better aspects.(Looking at you, Hawkmoth and Vesper) The Guardian pictured here is Master Fu, but don't worry. In this role-play we'll have a new guardian for our new miraculous users, so you don't need to get attached to him, awesome though he is. [b][u]Q: How do our heroes transform and detransform? A: [/u][/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvIChM4vF7o[/url] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0JoAI58z5c[/url] Like that. Very sailor moon-esque, I am aware, but rest assured, your character doesn't have to do a little dance or anything through the transformation. The transformation itself actually happens very quickly, within the span of a second, and covers the person with a magical suit. You can see the details of the suit in Suit Rules, and you may design your own suit as well. The de-transformation works in the same way, only in reverse. The Kwami are sucked into the Miraculous Stones during transformation, and can't be communicated with until that hero releases the transformation. After one de-transforms, their Kwami will be very tired and will need to eat and rest for a while before that person can transform again. In addition, once a hero uses their main power, they only have 5 minutes left before they de-transform. [b][u]Q: So, who are the bad guys? What's an Akuma? A: [/u][/b] [IMG]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lady-bug/images/1/16/Akuma.png/revision/latest?cb=20151123023224[/IMG] An Akuma is a small butterfly encased by shadows. It seeks out those who have darkness in their hearts, possesses them by inhabiting an item close to them, such as a whistle, a hair clip, an umbrella, or a necklace, and transforms that person into a villain. The dark influence controls the possessed person, transforming them into a darker, meaner, more vengeful version of themselves. Vesper uses a method similar to this, though he uses sound waves and not butterflies. In order to free the person from the grip of darkness, the heroes will have to purify the darkness in their hearts, to remove the power of Discord. That's everything covered here in the Nutshell! If you have any further questions, please direct them to me, Fusby, or RokkuHoshi! Now, on to Suit Rules! [/hider] [hider=Suit Rules] So, if you've seen Miraculous Ladybug, you should know that the most powerful part of the superheroes are their suits. Here, in Suit Rules, you'll get to know exactly how we GMs are interpreting those aspects, and how you can create your powers. [list] [*] The suits give the characters increased strength, speed, stamina, flexibility, and endurance. [*] The suits are indestructible and cannot be torn, cut, removed, or damaged in any way. That means that a person cannot be unmasked unless their Miraculous is removed, or they de-transform. [*] Each suit comes with a tool that can be used as a communicator, and has powers of it's own. Ladybug's purifying Yo-yo, Chat Noir's infinitely extendable staff, Volpina's baton-flute thingy are examples of this. [*] Each suit also comes with a main or active power, and several minor or passive powers. - An Active power is one that the user can summon, but will drain their transformation time. Ladybug's Lucky Charm, which allows her to conjure a random object, and Chat Noir's Cataclysm, which allows him to destroy whatever he touches, are examples of an active power. An active power has to have it's name called out prior to being used, and can only be used once per transformation. - A Passive power is one of the minor powers that comes on its own with the suit. They are not used for combat in instead enhance the user's abilities. Chat Noir's night vision and enhanced senses of hearing and smell, or a bird user's ability to fly, a turtle user's ability to breath underwater are all examples of passive powers. Passive powers do not have to be activated like Active powers, and do not have a limit on how many times they can be used. They end however, when the transformation wears off. So you can't fly ALL the time, if you're a bird. [*] Because our setting is in the New World, the animals your miraculous is based on must come from North America. In addition, you cannot have the same animal as another person. That includes a group of animals. If someone else has a brown bear, you may now have a polar bear. If someone else has a raven, you may not have a crow. Water creatures and fish are not to be used, they're just too difficult. Your animals can be birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects/arachnids, and flying/terrestrial mammals. Also, to avoid overlap with the original Miraculous stones, you cannot have a ladybug, a bee, a river turtle, a fox, a house cat, a peacock, or a butterfly/moth as your animal. To add onto that list, the animals eagle and bat have been claimed. [*] You may design, control, and name your Kwami. The only requirements are that your Kwami must resemble your animal slightly, they must have a favorite food, they cannot know/tell the identities or powers of the other heroes, and they must have a double letter somewhere in their name. Tikki, Plagg, Nooroo, Wayzz, all have double letters in their names. Also, try to avoid their names being human names. I don't want to see any Kwamis named Joe or Kyle or Christina. [*] To show that you have read these rules, please tell me your favorite vegetable when you show your interest. If you hate vegetables, then give me your favorite fruit. If you hate both, please grow up and eat something healthy oh my god. [/list][/hider] And the CS, so you guys know what will be expected of you! You don't need to post CS's here and now, though it might give you a head start. [hider=Character Sheet] Normal- Name: (What is their name?) Age: (Between 13 and 18 years old, please!) Appearance: (Any image is fine, or a description! Whichever you prefer.) Backstory: (Who are they? What is their life like? What's their family like?) Personality: (What's good and bad about them? Their strengths and weaknesses? Why do they deserve a Miraculous?) Hero- Name: (Something cool and flashy!) Appearance: (Again, any image or description is fine here) Miraculous: (What animal is it? Where is it located? What kind of accessory is it?) Powers: (1 Active power and up to 10 Passive powers) Weapon: (What is their weapon and what's special about it? [u]NOTE:[/u] Please do not make your weapon a gun or stabbing implement. Your goal is not to kill people here.) Kwami- Name: (Remember the double letters!) Appearance: (You can draw your own, or describe them!) Personality: (What are they like? How do they clash or cooperate with your character?) Favorite Food: (Give that poor fairy something to eat for Pete's sake!) [/hider] That's all, folks! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us!